Break Down

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         I decided to put on music from my speaker and just try getting as much as I could done without a dresser. A Billie eilish song came on. My favorite if anything, when the party's over. The music cut out as my phone buzzed from a face time was Luke
      "Hey babe" I said smiling into the phone he seemed weird. Not himself. I sat on the ground with my back up against the bed with the phone on my face.
      "I need to tell you something" my heart stopped. "I would tell you in person but well I can't, and everyone said I should do it face to face and I don't know" was he crying??? What is happening?
     "What happened?" My smile had faded almost instantly. 
       "You are going to hate me" he said. I still hadn't seen his face
       "Babe I can't hate you unless you like cheated on me or something... like there's not much I could hate you for" I laughed. There was silence. It took me a minute to realize what had happened. The silence was deafening. Tears started streaming down
        "Avery please I didn't mea-"
        "I think we should break up" I blurted out cutting him off.
        "Baby you don't mean tha-"
        "Don't call me baby"
        "It was just an honest mistake"
        "I know, and it won't happen again. Cause I'm breaking up with you"
         "Don't you want time to think!? Or even consider ever-"
         "I don't need to consider anything. You chose her over me and that's it"
         "I didn't choose anyone over y-"
        "Just stop luke im sorry"
         "Well I don't forgive you because we're still dating"
         "Well than I'm not sorry, bye luke"
         "You are not allowed to say bye to me"

        "And you weren't supposed to be allowed to cheat on me but now were here"

The call completely ended and the music came back on playing....god I want this song to stop before I ruin it. I pulled my knees up to my chest and tucked my head into my knees breaking down

Wishing this was some awful dream. I went to turn off my  phone to stop this song, stop everything. My world felt like it was spinning. 4 years! Dating since freshman year and now!!? I'm no longer good enough for him? He just cheats!???? I'm gone one day? ONE DAY?? One day and he just decides ohp! She's gone! Who even cares anymore about this four year relationship. I talked about future plans with this god awful person. I talked about having children with this idiot. I talked about marrying this awful soul. I missed family events just so he could see me because he was lonely. I Missed things I can never go to again for him!? Weddings,baby showers, births. He does this!? this! Why!? God this music? Why won't it stop!? Stop everything stop! 

            "JUST SHUT UP ALREADY" I screamed whipping my phone smack at the wall. Well,,,The music stopped. I stood there frozen starring at what I just did. I started shaking. Tears free flowing straight down my face. I went over and looked at my phone. Shattered, completely noway could this ever be saved. I stared at it in my hand and then the ground and wall than back at my hand. I don't know  what came over me but once again I began chucking it, whipping  "Why. Why. Why. Why." I repeated over and over again as I kept whipping it at the wall. I stopped, realizing what I had been doing. I grabbed my phone putting my back up against the wall and slowly slid down, tears had come falling down. I quickly went into the bathroom to go wash off the water from my face....maybe It was a dream. I opened the door and it was clean and a towel was neatly folded on the counter with a note on it. I grabbed it reading it


        So excited you finally came and stayed with us...I've missed you so much.


           I smiled looking at the note, but sadness quickly took over when I looked In the mirror and saw my puffy red eyes and the tears dripping down even past my neck. As selfish as this sounds, I don't deserve this. No one does. I heard a noise from the front door and then a bunch of talking going on in the living room area. I quickly turned on the shower so that they wouldn't bother me...not that I didn't want them to talk to me they would probably make all this better. But the last thing I want is them knowing what actually happened.


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