Getting Ready

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I waited in the car while he went in and the car ride home was very awkward. I really don't know why to be honest but it was. I mean I do but like at the same time.
When we got home I ran inside to my room real quick. I didn't wanna be bothered until I was out of this bummy mood. I decided I would just get ready. I threw on a tank top and shorts with a cardigan over it just to be comfortable. I walked out to the kitchen Once I finished my hair and makeup and there Nick was pouring himself some water.
      "Party's starting at 8" he told me and I looked at the clock. That's an hour?!?!!!
      "Eh were already ready" he said as Austin and Edwin came carrying in all the stuff Brandon and I got. Zion came in the room behind them and came over to me. I had gotten myself up on the counter and he came in front of me and I put my arms around him to where we were both facing the two boys setting everything up.
       "Is this your outfit?" I asked him
       "Is it that bad?" He sort of frowned
       "No you look hot" he laughed and so did I
       "Diddo" he smiled and I blushed.
        "Ewww stop trying to make us jealous" Austin said making all of us laugh
       The boys continued setting up and Zion and I had migrated to the couch and I had my feet on his lap. "You like dancing and everything right?" Zion asked randomly and I looked away from my phone at him. In all honesty no I do not. Luke had always forced me to be connected at the hip with him as if I was property at parties with him and that just put a bad taste in my Mouth for dancing with people. But I was definitely not gonna tell this to Zion because than he would baby me all night long and I would not enjoy it even more than I'm already not gonna enjoy it
      "Me?? Oh my god I love dancing" i tried sounding as believable as possible. The main reason I felt comfortable is because I have an escape (my room) for whenever it was to much and I could just hide away In there.
      "Sameee!!" He smiled "it's gonna be loud and if it gets to much j-"
      "God you sound like Brandon" I rolled my eyes and went back on my phone.
      "I'm trying to look out for you" I realized how much of an attitude I had just given and took a deep breathe
       "Sorry" i told him frowning. But hey this shows improvement I guess, I was able to see when it was happening. God I hate this.


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