Oh Geez

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       I had been crying from the pain and From what I had just done. The vase was shattered, I quickly went down and checked a pulse. He was still breathing and wasn't even bleeding. It must've just been hard enough to knock him out.
      "What do I even doooo" I stood up putting my hands to the back on my head. Then I saw my arms. All cut up. When did that even happen. I went over and saw the mirror and looked at myself in it. I was bleeding from my nose, lip, and randomly from my forehead. My sides were hurting so I quickly lifted my shirt to look and I had numerous Bruises. Was I really that easy to bruise? But what do I do now. I don't want to wake Luke, which really I should make sure he wakes up. But, I don't want him to attack me again.
I decided I should go to the guys outside even if I was terrified. I took my ponytail down and walked with my head low covering my face with the hair. I did actually have blood currently dripping from my face but I'll figure out how to hide it. They luckily didn't notice me until I got to the car and then I basically hid myself.
It was silence, they didn't know how to react
"Avery?" Austin finally asked but I ignored him and then sniffed in louder than expected "AVERY LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW" I think he knows what happened
I lifted my head from my hands and clenched my jaw, held my lips closed and my eyes shut. Looking out windshield. I was shaking. My heart was racing. I felt a mixture of blood and tears drip down my face
"WHAT DID THIS" Nick flung the door open almost breaking it.
"NICK STOP" I screamed jumping out the door and sprinting at him. He seemed like some devil. I had never seen him like this. I grabbed his hand full weight pulling back. And that's when Austin saw.
"AVERY" he whipped his door open
"Just stop!" I screamed, everything hurt.
Zion grabbed my hand "what happened" he said looking me dead in the eyes
"He was drunk or something" I cried flinching at Zion. He noticed and instantly felt bad
"Where is he, oh my god! Just in there like a idiot feeling cool after beating up a girl" now Edwin was pumped and the rest soon got so mad
"He's unconscious" I let out quietly
"Wait-wait what?" Brandon stopped and looked me dead in the eyes
"I don't know. He was punching and slapping and threw me on the ground so I grabbed a vase and threw it at his head. I mean I check his pulse but we might wanna call 911" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Zion wait in the car with her we're going in" Austin said. "And call 911" he called from behind them.
"Let's go" Zions harsh voice made me flinch but we got into the car.
"I'm sorry" was all I could say when I sat in the passenger seat and he stood outside it. I wiped my nose. He leaned on the car and was pulling out his phone to I'm guessing call 911
"Don't be" He grabbed my hand and held it. I played with the bracelets he wore and the rings on his finger and sat in silence "uh hi yes umm. So, my friend Avery Porter went to go get her stuff back from her Ex and then he began hitting her. Then as self defense she threw a vase um. I don't know if we need an ambulance she said when she left the house he was unconscious but breathing and alive.....how's she, well her nose and lip are gushing her eye is very bruised and her forehead has a gash In It. Besides the looks of her cuts i don't know how she's feeling right now.........okay the address is 627 maldry lane, okay thank you" He ended the call and let out a deep breath
"How are you doing" he asked. I was twisting the bracelet on his wrist staring forward I didn't answer. "Well at least tell me what hurts"
       "Ave cmon now tell me what hurts"
       "Zion just stop please. Everything hurts. My legs, my sides, my head, my heart" he stood there silently taking in what I just said.
      "I think your a badas-"
      "Stop please" I sat there and he stood in silence until an ambulance, and three police cars came speeding around the street.
       Zion must've sensed I was stressed cause he squeezed my hand. I don't really know what I'm scared of, I really didn't do anything wrong?
      "Where's the guy and girl" a policeman asked walking around the car
      "This is the girl, Avery. Luke, who is the guy...he's inside with my friends. They went to check on him I think?" The policeman talked into the walkey talkey on his shoulder. I kept my head down not looking up holding onto Zions hand. 
      "Crap okay" the officer said "um...Avery? Right"
      "Mhm" I weakly said. I started feeling dizzy
      "Okay....I just wanna let you know, nothing bad will happen to you. Okay? You will be fine, we will get this sorted out, you won't be going to jail or anything. Maybe a fine at the most" he tried reassuring me "can I see the marks for evidence" I sighed and nodded my head yes. I still hadn't made eye contact with the officer. Zion helped me up.
      I lifted up my head so he could see it and he sort of flinched back. "Babe, you said your sides hurt were there any bruises" Zion asked. Him saying babe made me feel all butterflies but this wasn't the time to mention on it. I sort of looked around and then lifted my shirt to show the bruises, and then showed my arms.
      "Oh geez" Zion said, letting out a deep breathe and putting his hands to the back of his head.
       "Can you tell me why you were here and what was going on" the officer asked opening up a note pad
       "Welll..." Zion started
       "It's okay I can say it" I said my voice very shaky "well he WAS my boyfriend and then he cheated on me. We sort of came to get "revenge" but it was really just going to be me getting my stuff back and taking the expensive things I had gotten him, so don't think we were coming to hurt him. I went and rang the doorbell and he opened the door and was seemingly off. But I ignored it and came inside and just went to the room to get my stuff. He called me baby a couple times and everything and then I told him I didn't wanna date him and he got mad. He slapped me at first...hard. Then he started punching and threw me. I ran to his room but he was able to open the door and started hitting me so I grabbed the first thing I found, which was a glass vase."

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