Almost there!

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"Avery" someone softly said shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to see Brandon there smiling his wide smile.
"Ughhh 5 more minutes" I groaned covering myself with blankets again.
"We gotta go, we packed all your stuff for you and the boys are all down stairs"
"I don't wanna get up 5 more minutes" I said from underneath the big comforter.
"Avery we gotta get back on the road" I sighed and took the blanket away from my face
"I don't wanna get up" I said barely keeping my eyes opened. I didn't get to bed till 5am I was just so confused on what had happened.
      "Fine" Brandon said, and then next thing I know he's attempting to pick me up
      "Just let me sleep!" I whined
     "Girl would you rather walk" he said and I agreed. So he picked me up bridal style. I looked around the room with groggy eyes and then told him we can go. He began walking with no trouble because I am decently small and we were walking down the hallway. I don't know if we got any looks or not because I was nuzzled in drifting back to sleep but I wouldn't be surprised if we did.
      "Who's sitting in back with her?" I heard Brandon asked.
      "Ziooooonnnnnn" all the boys said sort of sounding like a oooooooOOOOOooo. Did they know?!?! Did Zion tell them?!
      "Well here you are" and next thing I know I'm being passed off. I didn't bother opening my eyes or really caring I was just so tired. We got situated in the back seat and they put a hoodie as a make shift pillow and I put my feet on Zion. We than began driving, but I stayed asleep the WHOLE time.
After however long I was shaken awake.
"Whatttt!" I said sitting up annoyed from being waken up.
"It's noon" nick said. No one else was in the car.
"Where are we?" I looked around and we were in the middle of nowhere at a Denny's
"We got Hungry so we came here and at first you didn't wanna wake up so we left you to sleep in the car, and we were about to get the check but want us to order you anything?"
"I'll come in" I said climbing out behind him very groggy. When we walked in I saw the boys all in a booth
"AVERYYYYYY!!" They all yelled to us excited.
I jokingly sassy smiled. "Mmwjjajskwkdid" i made random sounds as I sat down next to nick who had scooted for me to sit.
"How ya doinnnn" nick laughed putting his arm around me shaking me. Across the table from me was Zion. Him and I haven't had any interactions since last night. I looked up at him and had to hid myself blushing. He was smiling and raising his eyebrows at me slyly.
     "Can I get chicken nuggets for the road?" I asked.
    "You heard the lady, get the chicken nuggets!" Edwin yelled
      "We need to order it" I laughed, sort of embarrassed as I went up to the lady at the counter and asked her if she could add an order of chicken fingers to go.
After we figured everything else out and our game plan we just kept driving straight through. We made multiple stops along the way switching drivers and changing aux. but next thing I knew we were 2 hours away from a actual devils house. We didn't bother putting in my house address we put in Luke's and I've never felt more anxious. I was sitting up in the front and nick was driving and the boys let me Aux. luckily we all have the same type of music type so I just let some mellow frank ocean and Russ play in the background.
"What're we doing?" I asked putting my head into my hands.
"Hey hey hey, no getting cold feet now" Austin put his hands on my shoulders from in the back seat
"Austin it's not easy to just be like whoop I'm fine, I'm terrified. I'm gonna walk in and break down, I'm like putty in his hands. He has always had so much control over me and I just hid it because I didn't know what it meant to be in a healthy relationship. You guys don't realize but ever since he told me I felt a weight lifted off my chest. Walking back into his house will make me realize I'm no better off without him"
"We'll go in with you" Edwin said
"No" Austin answered for me "as much as you might want this Ave you gotta do this yourself. It'll give you closure. You and him need that moment to talk face to face alone. Whatever you do your not dating him again that's final, and we're right out here. When you feel like your getting trapped run. Don't need an explanation. I don't care what happens if he even tries pulling anything on you we're going in there alright boys"
"Of of course" nick chimed in "I mean you saw how I acted when I thought there was a killer in the house. I don't care I just met you Avery, I'm going full out and killing this bit-"
"Okay but guys what if...." I attempted saying
"Aye no what ifs. This dudes already walking on thin ice with us, one...even if the slightest step it's shattering so he better not even try to TEST you at the slightest." Zion added
"We all got your back Avery" Edwin said playfully punching my arm
"Weather you like it or not you stuck" Brandon said and all the boys agreed.
That definitely made me feel a little more confident but I was still terrified "what am I even supposed to do" I asked after a little bit of silence
"Storm in and be like what's up bitch" Zion said from the back
"Orrr a more mellow approach could be like 'hey we need to talk'" Edwin laughed at Zion
"I'm kinda liking Zi's idea" I said smiling looking back at him
       "Oh but wait!!" Brandon yelled "what's this Zi nickname you got going when did this start?" He asked raising his eyebrows and I just stuck up my middle finger to him (jokingly) turning back around and everyone laughed.

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