Ruin His Life!

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They all looked at me as if I lost my mind
"Of course we can go!" Austin laughed at me, everyone went back to setting up the white board and grabbing things they needed to 'plan'
"No Austin you don't understand, this won't end well we can't go!" I stood up and they all directed there attention to me and I felt myself getting nervous
      "Avery, there's no need to feel bad for him" Nick said as he set the very large white board down.
"I don't feel bad! I'm just- just" and there we go again. I broke down. "I'm sorry" I said over my cries as I sat back on the couch putting my head in my hands resting them on knees.
I felt someone come and sit next to me and put there arm around me "don't be sorry" it was Zion. It seems always be him.
"It's just hard I don't even know it's stupid I'm fine- I'll be fine" I sat up meaning for Zion to move his arm and it took him awhile but he finally took it away. I wiped my eyes and let out a deep breathe "I'm just not over him" I said quietly
"Avery you don't have to be over him" Brandon put out a hand to pull me up "you just gotta get him out of your head" I took his hand as he pulled me up and then he walked towards the kitchen, pulling me with him.
"Where y'all going?" Edwin said following behind us, as did the other boys did.
We stopped once we were in the kitchen and he opened up the cabinet pulling down about 10 glass plates. He held one out
"Chuck it" He said straight faced
"Wait what-" I asked as he held out the plate
"Wait should we do it outside?" Austin
"CHUCK THAT SHIIII" Zion shouted getting everyone pumped.
      There were many screams from everyone and than Brandon held out the plate more for me to grab it. I took it.
      "It's going to make a mes-" Brandon cut me off
      "Scream as loud as you can, and chuck the plate" I hesitated. Looking at the plate, and then I heard luke. One of our most recent fights
    "I mean sometimes you are worthless" He had said to me, and then left me at the party we were at. The anger got to much in me
    "GAHHHHHHWKSKWMIC" I screamed as I chucked the plate down shattering it into a million pieces. I felt relief leave my chest.
    "YAHHHHHH" they all screamed in unison
    "Now how do you feel!" Brandon shouted at me
    "PAIN!" I shouted back They all stared confused "I'm not wearing shoes and I just stepped in a piece of glass" I said and they laughed.
     "I gotchu" nick, who was wearing shoes quickly went over picking me up and setting me on the counter. We all laughed.
     Brandon handed me another one, and I took it.
     "Stand up!" Zion said holding a hand to assist me in standing up. I took it and stared at the plate.
     "WHOS WORTHLESS NOW LUKE" I screamed as I chucked it
    "Hand that b another" Austin said hyping us up
    "WHOS LIFE IS GOING NO WHERE"  I continued shouting other things Luke has told me numerous occasions before as I chucked the plates hard at the ground. Feeling more and more pain leave me as I did so.
    "Yeahhhh!!" they all shouted together as I chucked the last plate
    "LETS GO PLANE THIS TRIP!" I screamed as they all began leaving the room all pumped up
    "Oh wait" Edwin said as he quickly turned around and picked me up and carried me away from the glass. Zion waited also and then walked down the hall with me and Edwin ran.
"Did he say that about you?" Zion asked and I felt really awkward
"Uh, huh...yeah" I awkwardly laughed and then ran to catch up with the guys in the living room.
"Wait what" I heard him say from behind me. But I had already ran to the boys and were watching them set up the white board. Everyone sat Down on the couches except Nick and Zion who wasn't yet in the room.
"Alright what time are we leaving?" Nick asked
"Tomorrow morning?" Brandon suggested and everyone agreed
"Ok leave around, eh 9:30am"
"It's a 36 hour drive" I reminded them
"Oh well" Zion said as he finally walked into the room sitting next to me on the couch.
Nick started jotting random things like time and everything on the board. We continued discussing the boring details
"So what's even our plan?" I asked picking my feet up so I was in a more comfortable position.
"I mean karma?" Brandon stated but as a question, like even he was confused.
"I say you march in there and get every. Single. Thing. You. Brought. There." Edwin said
"Alright yeah, and then show him how much of an idiot he is!" Austin added
"Is there any REALLY expensive gifts you got him?" Nick asked as he wrote stuff down.
I sat there thinking "watches? Clothes? Anything?" Zion gave ideas
"I did buy him a Tv, and this really nice Watch...and a computer he always wanted" I started listing things and then realized there was a really long list. I bought him so much, wanna know the most he got me, a dozen roses...that his mom gave him to give to me.
"Smash. Them." Zion said
"What do you mean?" I asked shocked that they said that
"Every nice thing you got him, take it. The tv you gave him, smash it. Don't hold back on this idiot honestly though, give him what he deserves" Zion explained
"Yeah I'm with Z" Edwin said and they all agreed with them.
"Y'know what!" I said finally realizing how good this will be "Let's ruin this guys life!"

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