Dino tour

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The next couple days were boring as ever because....we were trapped in a small metal box driving around the world, kind of. But having 5 boys around you constantly isn't the most ideal thing ever if I'm being quite honest with you. Love them all to death but you really can't talk about "girl stuff" with them. But hey, I would take 5 boys constantly around you over 5 girls any day, because I'll be honest if it was 5 girls...there would be some type of drama somewhere. Now I am definitely not saying there hasn't been insane amount of arguments and bickering because there has been a TON. The boys just always find SOMETHING to call anyone out on at any given moment, but they resolve It in seconds and everything is normal again.
"Ready for tomorrow?" I asked Zion as i walked into the hotel room. We were staying at a hotel tonight, us and the bus driver needed a break from that. The bus driver was an amazing guy, I love him for sure. Plus we have the first concert of the tour tomorrow and we are here early, why sleep on the bus when there are perfectly good rooms.
"Yah I'm ready...are you sure you're okay with it?" Zion asked me. The other boys were down stairs in the bus getting the outfits they wanted picked out so they could get them to bring to the venue later on. Then we were planning on walking around Texas for the day and seeing what we would be able to see because...we had the time.
"What do you mean?" I laughed at him. I was looking in the suitcase I brought up to find a outfit for the day because I have basically been living in sweats and pajamas. "I got the easy job, watching the hottest guy in the world perform" I smiled trying to be all cute with him
"Well I get to watch Nick preform also so we both have the easiest jobs I guess" He snarked back making not only me laugh but himself too
"Nick is pretty hot" I said as I turned to continue looking for an outfit Trying to get a rise out of him
"Hey watch it"
"only kidding" I smiled "but what would I not be okay with?"
"Me doing meet and greets having a bunch of girls hang all over me, us pretending were nothing when i'm obviously head over heels in love with you"
"Zion yes, I'm not HAPPY about it but I understand. I am not mad at you for taking pictures with fans or anything I understand" I smiled at him
"ugh....you're the best"
"I know right" I smiled again at him and then went over and kissed him. Then I went and showered because, I felt gross from not really showering cause showering in a tour bus Is not something I wanna do. plus it's already hard enough to shower with a cast when the shower is parked in a house.
I showered and left my hair to air dry, then put on shorts and a tank top and just flip flops and light makeup. Like mascara and foundation and powder.
"Avery finally!!" Austin pushed through me when I opened the bathroom door pushing me out and closing it.
"Geez I took that long?" I walked to put my dirty clothes in a laundry bag as I brushed my hair. The other four boys were changing clothes, fixing there hair, or sitting on there phone.
"Avery you did take 40 minutes" Zion didn't look up from signing papers at the desk in the room. Well autographing papers to hand out at the concert.
"Okay...well....I showered got dressed did my makeup AND shaved my legs. I could've took longer"
"You did all that in 40 minutes!?" Edwin joined in making me laugh, which he was also autographing pictures but was sitting on one of the beds.
"YEAH I KNOW!!" I got excited for being appreciated
It took another hour for everyone to get ready and for us to call a uber which it was quite stressful because I felt like a mom to these 5 boys who acted 5 years old. But nonetheless I got us out and into the uber and down to a random place that I found online which I thought it was cool. I also had help from Brandon finding it so I cannot take ALL the credit.
"My lady" zion put out his hand to help me step out of the car once we arrived. I graciously accepted and then smiled as I held his hand and waited for the other boys to get out of the car.
"not so fast love birds" Nick quickly ran and grabbed my other hand. "Smart Mr. Brandon decided to post a picture on his story and it showed where we were going and a bunch of the BEANZ have decided to turn this into a meet and greet"
"NO!" Brandon interjected "I posted a photo on my story and the GPS was accidentally in it...and maybe a bunch of people screenshot it and now...#DinoPmMG is trending on twitter.,..."
"BRANDON!!" Edwin and Austin said at the same time...and Zion just sighed loudly. Ed and Austin...surprisingly are the ones who ussally care MOST about people following us and sometimes get a little weird about it. But it is what it is and it's obviously a afteraffect of being a famous singer. No one follows us for me so really I luck out, but hanging with the boys I automatically get attacked for autographs even though none of them know who I am.
"Bro I just wanted to have a day with avery and now we definitely cant because of...hmm...YOU." Zion was clearly the most upset with this and he let go of my hand "I'm gonna go find a bathroom"
He quickly took off walking towards wherever "Who wants to handle it..."Austin said sighing because of course we couldn't just have ONE day
"i'll get it" I laughed and then ran off to Zion jumping in front of him so he has to stop "Zi it's okay" I smiled as he finally gave up trying to get past me
"baby I just wanted a day on this trip where we didn't have to act like were nothing"
"Zion its really not that big of a deal...is it something else that's bothering you"
"maybe...?" he sighed and I scrunched my face "I don't know avery I already see the way guys look at you even when you and me are obviously dating. Now imagine how guys are gonna stare at you when you think you're single"
      "I'm nothing special zion they don't stare at me like that" I laughed at him trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing
       "Avery are you insane?!?! You are gorgeous!! You have everything going for you, and if someone thinks your single they're gonna be ugh averyyyy"
        "Zion no guy is going to flirt with me I promise you that"
        "Are you dumb, every guy everywhere does"
        "Zion I'm not...'pretty enough' to be a heart throb alright your wrong. It'll be fine let's just go back" I grabbed his hand and went to pull him to the group again
        "Avery I'm not going to go back until you say you're beautiful" I was struggling to drag him
        "Okay I'm beautiful let's go" I continued trying to drag him
        "You don't mean it" he said
       "I mean it let's go" I obviously didn't, because I didn't but I was trying to seem believable.
        "Alright Avery if this is what has to happen" he took off running to this front check in area and soon enough all the boys were chasing after us...and a decent group of people who I believe are fans.
        "ZION STOP" I called chasing him more confused as Ever.
        He went up to a tour guide guy "can I borrow that?" He asked quickly taking a mega phone and stood up on a crate.
        "Zion get down" I was yelling at him but all the guys were cheering him on.
        "Hey beanz" he said to the crowded group of people around them.
       "Avery!" Nick yelled as I begin getting very overwhelmed with the amount of people crowding up. He quickly grabbed me and pulled me up on this big ledge that the boys all soon climbed up on. Everything fast pace and hectic and I was still CLUELESS on why zion had a mega phone and was standing on a crate
        "Zion whatre you doing!" I called to him again
       "Avery are you okay" Brandon was checking my hand and cast and making sure everything
      "ZION WHATRE YOU DOING" I yelled at him and he looked at me and smiled. I wasn't mad, me yelling was purely because we were far apart and there were a bunch of screaming girls.
      "Should we get ready to run?" Brandon said to all of us talking about me
      "No let's do what happens" Edwin said
      "Can you guys clear a path maybe...like clear a path from here to Zion" nick jumped off the ledge into the group of girls. Shooting them to clear away as Brandon went and joined him.
       "Cmon" Edwin jumped down and put out his arms for me to jump down to him I laughed as I walked through the group and then was helped up onto the crate.
       "I'm in love with Avery porter and she is the most beautiful girl ever" Zion said into the mega phone and then kissed me. Everything was blurred nothing mattered. Zion was the best person, hands down. I broke from the kiss and looked at him and smiled
       "Zion management"
       "Screw management" he said again laughing. Wow this was much better than a Dino tour.

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