PM Meeting!!

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                "Avery how much longer??" Austin called as he walked past my room. I hadn't even began packing! I've been wiping off my makeup and trying to bring down the puffiness

              "We're actually doing this!?" I sort of laughed shocked that this was happening, that anyone would do this for me.

          "I said we were didn't I?" Zion asked as he walked into the bathroom where I was

         "I mean just- It's very impulsive" I Admitted. I normally am a planner not going to lie. But this was beyond impulsive taking a road trip to north Carolina, it's literally 4 in the afternoon. This is about a 37 hour drive, Do the boys even understand what they're getting themselves into!? Just for me...a very unimportant person! I was standing by the sink wiping my eyes and he plopped himself up onto the counter next to me. Watching me.
"You don't need to keep wiping your eyes" I looked at him and laughed "what?"
"I feel weird with you watching me" I grabbed the towel that was on the other side of the sink drying my face.
"Fine I won't look" He covered his eyes with his hands. I laughed again and then shut off the lights and walked out of the bathroom leaving him there. "You left didn't you??" He laughed hooping off the counter and sitting on the end of my bed. I went and grabbed a back pack out of my closet.
       "I'm surprised you wanna hang out with an emotional wreck like myself" I began packing pajamas in there not planning on wearing anything cute.
"I think that's why I want to hang out with you" he admitted and I raised my eyebrows
"I see, so I'm charity work" he turned sort of red
"No - I didn't - did it sound like- it wasn't meant like that - I mean I "
"Zi it's fine I was just playing" did I just call him Zi?! What was I even thinking??
"Zi?" He laughed and now I was turning red
"I don't know actually" I laughed "it just came out?"
"I like it" I looked up at him and he smiled "Y'know the boys usually call me Zed or Z, but never Zi, it's different" I smiled back.

We sat there in silence for a little while, He just watched me as I packed up a backpack with all my necessities

"How do you know....He, Uhhh well..."

"He called me,,,told me himself"

"Well I mean at least he owned up to it..."

"I don't really wanna talk about it, sorry" I left and went into my closet acting like I was getting clothes but really I was on the verge of tears. Many people are able to get over something like this, But once a cheater always a cheater kind of thing. Plus now looking back at things I feel like we were never meant to be. Some of the things he would do to me are toxic. I think the only thing that kept us together was my fear of being alone and his fear of not having a girlfriend to brag about, Not to say i'm something to brag about....obviously, he found someone better to brag about. While I was in my closet I did grab a couple of extra things I may need and then shoved them all in the bag

"PM MEETING" I heard from the living room "PM AND AVERY MEETING" They then corrected themselves making me laugh. I heard Zion get up and then I followed closely behind all meeting in the living room. I sat on the couch next to Brandon and Zion sat on the other side of Brandon. When he sat down he sort of elbowed Brandon and then gave him a look Brandon just laughed at him and Zion rolled his eyes.

"So what's our plan??" Edwin asked as everyone finally made it to the room

"Well we first need to figure out how to get to North Carolina" Nick added and we all agreed

"Guys this is a 36 hour drive, It's really not a big deal, we shouldn't do this" I said sort of sighing. Brandon put a hand on my knee comforting me from being once again on the verge of tears

"Avery stop it's fine" Brandon said keeping his hand on my upper knee "We need to teach this idiot a lesson"

"YEAH!!" They all yelled together making me laugh. Zion nudged Brandon and he moved his hand away. Weird?

"Oh my god don't we have a white board somewhere?!" Edwin quickly jumped up running out of the room

"THAT HUGE ONE YES WE USED IT FOR THAT VIDEO WHERE IS IT!?!?" Austin Jumped up also and Nick joined them looking for it. Brandon shortly after got up and then there sat me and Zion in the room alone.

"I have no clue what they be talking" Zion said and shrugged his shoulders making me laugh "I don't think we've ever even bought a dry erase marker"

Which I again Laughed "Hey sorry for cutting you off earlier it's just hard to talk about" I changed subjects

"Avery...Don't even worry about it Like I shouldn't of even asked it was an idiot move"

"No it's not, really I just am not ready to talk about it, You're not being an idiot, don't worry"

"and that's understandable the love of your life breaking your heart I mean-"
      "WE NEED TALL PERSON ASSISTANCE!" We heard yelled from the garage
      "Yo I'm done with them" Zion said as he stood up, which made me laugh...He began walking, going in the direction of the garage. The love of my life? Was Luke the love of my life? Was he the one I was meant to be with and he ruined it? Are we supposed to be together. What if going to North Carolina I realize I'm still in love with him...what If this was a mistake...this WAS a mistake.
       "Here we are" Nick said holding up the huge white board as the boys walked in behind him.
      "Guys we cant do this"

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