Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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Louis's P.O.V.

I was awoken in the morning by the sounds of pots and pans clanging together and Harry singing at the top of his lungs. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. "What the hell are you doing?", I asked him. He looked at and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know I'm just in a great mood today."

"Would it have to do with a certain girl?", I asked jokingly.

"Maybe", he said with a huge smile across his face. I was happy for him. He hadn't been the same Harry for a while, it was nice to see him this happy. He told me about his night, laughing at all the fun times he had. It actually didn't sound like fun to me, I mean come on they hung out at a hospital, but if it made him happy that's all that counts.

When he finished he looked at me and smiled. "What do you want?", I asked him. He continued to smile, "Oh nothing, just a little favor to ask you." I looked at him suspiciously, "What kind of favor?"

"Can we invite the girls over for dinner, please."

"Yeah, sure I see nothing wrong with it."

"Alright, I'll call Kayliegh and the boys and you call El and Dani", he said running to his room. I went and got my cell phone and called El and invited her and Dani over. I told them to come over at about 7. Hopefully that will Harry enough time to get ready.

Niall's P.O.V.

I was awoken in the morning by my phone going off. I reached over and looked at it. The caller ID said Harry. I answered it.

"Is there any reason your calling this early in the morning?". I asked.

"Niall, it's 12:30 in the afternoon", Harry told me. I looked at the clock.

"Oh, okay. Well what's up?"

"Come to mine and Louis' flat tonight for dinner. We're inviting all the girls and the other boys over for dinner."

"Alright, see you then.", and I hung up.

Well this is going to be awkward. I haven't gotten enough courage to tell any of the boys about my feelings for Kayliegh. If he knew how I felt for her things would definately be tense for us. I knew I had to talk to someone about it. I pulled out my phone and called Zayn. I asked him to meet me at the coffee shop down the street from his flat and he agreed.

When I got to the coffee shop Zayn already had a table. He saw me and waved.

"Hey Niall How's it going? Is everything alright, you sounded wierd on the phone."

"Yeah everythings great I just have a little problem. Have you heard from Harry yet?"

"He called this morning asking me to come over to his flat for dinner. he said he was inviting everyone, did he not invite you." he looked a little worried.

"Oh no he invited me, I just don't know if I can go."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Well, the thing is, I sorta, kinda like Kayliegh", I whispered.

"What?", he asked confused, "Did I hear you right? Do you have feelings for her?"

I nodded and looked down at my hands. "I don't know how it happened, but seeing her yesterday, I just, I don't know fell for her I guess. What do I do? I can't be in the same room with her and Harry, especially with the way that he looks at her. I know he still loves her, you have to help me Zayn, please.", I pleaded finally looking up at him.

Zayn sighed and looked at me. "You have to at least tell Kayliegh, you can't keep avoiding her. I don't know about Harry though. I wouldn't tell him just yet. This is the first time he's seen Kayliegh since she left, and he needs time to be able to talk to her. I know it may be hard, but Niall, if you really care for her, you'll give it to her."

He had a sincere look on his face. He felt bad for me, I felt bad for myself but I knew he was right. I had to give them or things would just get complicated between the three of us. I looked at Zayn and smiled, "Thanks man for listening, it means a lot."

"No problem, Niall. And don't worry I'll just keep it between us until you decide to say something."

I looked down at my watch. Damn, it was already 4:00. "Well I'll talk to you tonight."

"Alright, bye Niall", he said as I walked toward the door.

Danielle's P.O.V.

I pounded on the bathroom door again. "Eleanor, hurry up. I need to get ready. You've been in there for almost two hours."

"Hold on. I'll be out in a minute"

"NO EL NOW", I shouted.

I heard the bathroom door opening and El finally came out looking flawless as usual. "Damn, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning", she asked annoyed.

I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Whatever, just move", I said as I pushed her lightly.

"Don't take to long", she said laughing.

"Shut up", I said smiling.

After an hour I had showered, done my hair, and put my make up on. I walked out to see Niall and Eleanor sitting on the couch talking. "What's going on?", I asked walking over.

Niall's and Eleanor's heads both shot up and looked at me. "We have a bit of a problem", El said looking at Niall. I was beginning to get a little worried. "What?", I asked cautiously. El looked at me then Niall. "Want me to tell her or will you", she asked him. He sighed, "I will."

I sat on the couch staring at both of them trying to process what Niall had just told me. He had feelings for Kayliegh. This was going to be one awkward night. "You have to tell her", I told him.

"I know",he said. "Zayn told me the same thing, but how do I tell her."

El looked at him. "Well don't make to much a big deal out of it. Just pull her aside some time tonight and tell her."

"It won't be that easy. I don't even know if I'll be able to talk to her."

"Niall, how long have you known her? A long time, right? So it shouldn't be that hard. Just talk to her like she's your best friend. You can do it I promise. Now let's go before we're late.", I said as I got up to walk to the door.

Kayliegh's P.O.V.

"Get out of the car now. I'm not telling you again. I will drag you to the door if I have to.", I told Maddie.

"No, I'm not coming. I'm not gonna be in the same place as HIM.", she said.

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad. Besides Niall's gonna be here. Maybe you can finally tell him how you feel. You never know he might feel the same way.", I said trying to convice her.

"Hahaha please, like he'd ever like me. He just sees me as a friend. He told me I'm like a sister to him. He'd never feel that way towards me.", she argued.

"Well whatever your coming. Let's go now."

"Fine, but I wont enjoy myself.", she said pouting.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that", I said as we reached the door and rang the door bell.

Louis came and greeted us at the door. "Hey girls, come on in."

"Thanks Lou", I said walking passed him. I saw all the boys sitting on the couch, except for Niall, he wasn't here yet and neither were Dani or El. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Harry and Maddie sat next to Zayn. She was glaring at Harry from the moment we walked in. I swear this kid needed to get over this it happened almost two years ago. I may have not forgiven Harry for what he had done, but at least I ot over it and now she needed to do the same.

Just then there was a knock on the door. "I got it", Liam called, already walking towards the door. I heard talking from the hall and guessed the girls were here, but where was Niall. I saw Danielle and Eleanor walk into the room with Niall right behind them. I smiled at him and he smiled shyly back at me. He walked over to me and whispered in my ear. "Can I talk to you in private?", he asked. I looked up at him and nodded, then followed him to the kitchen.


Well this is going to be one awkward night. Hopefully things work out great, :D I'll Upload Part 2 soon!!

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