1. Welcome to college

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It's about 4am right know and here I am sitting in my bed not being able to sleep because my brother has friends over and they are blasting music loud as fuck. I mean I could yell at him and tell him to shut the music down but I don't want to ruin the party. They are all 'celebrating' that college starts at monday or better said tomorrow again.

Nash has already been in college for one year but he hasn't lived there. And now that tomorrow I am going to college too we decided to both live in dorms. Uhh, I would lie if I say that I'm not extremely excited.

After what felt like hours of trying to sleep and ending up unsuccessfull, I decided to get some water in the kitchen. I really hope that my brother's friends don't see me because I look like a ghost right know. Not that i care about their opinions but still I would feel more comfortable if nobody sees me.

I sneak down our stairs trying to be as quiet as I could and go to our kitchen. After I grabbed a water bottle I make my way upstairs again but run into someone. When I look up I notice it was Shawn who just came out of the bathroom.

"Oh sorry. I didn't see you"
Shawn says looking down at me.

"It's okay I didn't saw you either." I smiled at him. Wow congratulations, not being seen by anyone worked perfect, I thought to myself. But in the end it was just Shawn, he is kinda like my family and has seen me like this thousand times before.

"Anyway, what are you doing up so late?" Shawn asked me friendly.

"Believe me sleeping while you guys are doing such noise is impossible."

"Oh sorry. I can tell Nash to turn the music a bit down. Or you can just join us?" Shawn says while leaning down to me so I can hear him through the music.

"No I'm fine. I don't want to ruin your party and looking like this - " I look down to my body dressed in sweatpants and a top. "I better do not join." I reply.

"I don't mind what you look like but if you say so than sleep good."

"Yeah thank you. See tommorow I think" I say while going into the direction of my room as Shawn makes his way to the living room where the other guys are again. He smiles at me on last time and then I don't see him anymore. He is kind of cute but I would never allow myself to think that. Whatever it's time to finally sleep.


In the morning I weak up pretty late and remember that today I have a lot to do. I haven't packed anything for college yet and today is the last day i can do that.

I get out of bed and refresh myself in the bathroom. After I put on some simple make-up, jeans and a black crop top I call
Liam. Liam is a good friend of mine and I ask him if he could help me packing stuff for college.

Nash who has a hangover doesn't bother me the whole day, because he's hanging out with Shawn.

After Liam who actually really came over to help me been gone, I sit in my bed with some pizza watching 'The Vampire Diaries'. Uhhh I love that show. I watch till it's 11am and then go to bed. I want to be fit for college tomorrow.


I wake up as my alarm rings and I'm directly out of my bed. Time for college. I go into my bathroom, shower, put make-up on and dress myself into a black skinny high waist jeans with a tight red of shoulder longsleeve shirt which I tuck in my pants. After that I head downstairs to get some breakfast.

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