9. Studying

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Day and day goes by in here and I start to get really bored by all that college stuff. I'm just waiting for college break so that I can spent some time home with my parents and meet Aleyna again.

Nash and I always been nice kids. One of those who laughed a lot with their parents and who never had a argument with them that lasted longer than two days. But we could also be a little different when our parents weren't home. When I was 15 Nash trough his first houseparty and I remember how much he needed to beg and buy me my favorite food so that I don't tell our parent. When I grew older we trough them together and I can't wait to do that again.
Nash is already planning.


There's a knock on the door when I'm sitting on my bed studying for my first test next week. I get up and open the door just to see a little sweaty and super cute Shawn standing there.
'Sorry I forgot my keys' he said dressed in ice hockey clothes.
Yes he plays Ice Hockey and Yes he looks hot as fuck while it.

'How was Ice hockey practice?'
'Great we have our first match this season next week. If you want to you can come and watch.'
'Yes sure'
I've always loved going to Shawn and Nash's Ice hockey matches.
'And by the way we have a new team member. Your friend Jaye.'
'Oh didn't knew that yet.'

'I'm going to shower quickly and then we could work on out project if that's okay for you?' Shawn ask while putting his Hockey helmet on his bed.
'Yes sure' I say and them Shawn disappears in the bathroom.
About 20 min later the bathroom door swings open and a half naked Shawn comes out. He's just wearing grey sweatpants and the sight of his muscular body is driving me insane.

Yes everyone I'm over it. I tried and tried and tried but I can't help it. Shawn is extremely good looking and yes I might think about that way to often but it's a normal human reaction. I know every single girl in this college thinks the same.

'U okay?' Shawn ask and j realise I've stared at him once again.

'Yes come on let's get this over.'


One hour into working on our project and Shawn still hasn't put his shirt on. Thank you.

'Can we make a little break I'm exhausted' I ask.

'Yes shure'

We both sit on his bed with all of the books  and papers we need in front of us. It's silent until...

'You know what they are saying about you? 'Shawn says and his voice sounds a little worried.

'What do you mean?'

'The rumours about you and Jaye that are going around. That you two have something going on you know... Girls are practically hating you.'
I can't believe what Shawn just said.

'WHAT? Me and Jaye? There's noting and I mean NOTHING going on. Who told you that?'

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