7. awkward

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I slowly open my eyes from a good and tight sleep... but then I suddenly realise where I am. I mean I'm in my dorm but not in the right bed and there's a arm around me holding me tight, Shawn's arm. Myself laying just in my underwear under the same sheets as him and I can feel our legs touching. When I turn around i can directly feel my extreme headache and sigh, I drunk too much.

Shawn is still sleeping like a baby and I kinda don't wanna wake him up but also I need to get out of his bed. I remember everything from last night, every single spot of my body that Shawn has touched and a weird feeling comes over me.

I don't know how I could have kissed him last night. He's my brother's best friend and my roommate. But do I regret it? No, I'm a horrible person but No I don't regret it any. He's beautiful and last night was also.

Okay by the thought of what's going to happen now I definitely regret it. If I move and he's going to wake up it will be super awkward between us. Even if he's not waking up now than it's going to be awkward later. Let's just get this done, I think.

I slowly and softly take Shawn's hand and remove his arm from around my waist. That worked out well. Then I pull down the blanket off my body and try to get out of his bed as quit as possible. And it works.

I look around our little room and find my black dress laying on the floor next to my heels. I pick them up and...

'Heather' Shawn's sleepy morning voice says behind me and I turn around.

'Shawn' is all I can get out of my voice and stare at him. We make a weird eye contact for a second non of us knowing what to say. I takes me a bit to remember that I'm still just in underwear.

I run my hands through my hair and look at the floor. I hate awkward silence.

'Uhm good morning... did you sleep good?'
Shawn stumbles.

'Yes... yes I just have a little headache from yesterday you know.' I say.

'Yes me too' Shawn says and after that it's silent again.

I quickly grab some new clothes out of my dresser and go into the bathroom to change and shower.

The hot water streaming down my body gets me chills and I try to get my thoughts together.

When I come out of the shower again Nash is sitting on Shawn's bed the two of them talking.
Did Shawn tell him what happened?
No he wouldn't be that dumb.

'Hi' Nash says giving me one second of attention and then ignoring me.

I go back in my bed and just lay there trying not to die or throw up. 10 min later I get a call.
I pick up.

'Girl are you livin'?' Faith says through my speaker.

'No not really'

'Can I still come over? I can't stand Lindsey anymore.'

'Yes shure come here' I say and then Faith ends the call. Seconds later there's a knock at the door.

I stand up and open Faith the door. She's just wearing joggers and a top like me.

'God you look like a mess' I say laughing and hug her. 'Yeah you too' she says and steps father in he room seeing Nash and Shawn. 'Hey guys' she says loudly and sits down on my bed. 'Hey Faith' she gets from Nash and Shawn back.
'So, I have to tell you something very interesting.' Faith says slowly making me a bit nervous.
'Ok tell me' I say rising my eyebrows. 'You know that I live with Lindsey in a dorm and you know that she and Shawn had something some time ago.' she says while leaning closer to me so that the boys can't hear us.

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