8. different

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Hey loves please read my author note at the end of this chapter and comment if you would read a Shawn Imagjne book if I did one


I can hear Heather and Faith laughing in the seats behind me while I'm staring at our professor who is showing us a presentation. Since yesterday evening we didn't really talk. It's not like we try to ignore each other or that we are mad, it's just a little awkward between us. We both can't forget the fact that this one night we made out and neither one if us does regret it.

The day goes on. Right now I'm sitting in industry and commerce next to Heather but I'm not really paying attention to what our tutor is saying. I mean how could I? This shit was so boring.

I don't even know why I'm studying this stuff. That's not what I want to do one day in my life. To be honest I would like to be a singer and write my own music. I already write some own music and share it on social media. There are a lot of people already supporting me on there and my biggest dream is to turn this into a living.

'Shall we do it together?' Heather interrupts my thoughts.
'Do what? I'm sorry I didn't listened for the last minutes.' I say looking at her.
'The project' she says but I still don't get what project she's talking about.
'We should do a project in the next two weeks with a partner. So I'm asking you if we should do it together.'



'Yes sure. What should we do it about?' Shawn asks me but he seems so different today. The last two days it has been weird but today it he seems so distracted.

We talk a bit about our project and plan it but the rest of the day till the evening I don't see him again. Did this one night destroy everything?
God why am I even thinking about this so much? It's not like before this we've been best friends. One week in this college and the realationship between me and my roommate is already messed up.

In the evening before I go to bed I can't help it anymore, I have to ask if everything is okay?

'Shawn is everything okay with you?' I ask when he's about to lay down for sleep.

'Yes. Why are you asking?' He says making eye contact with me and it's like he stares right into my soul.

'You were just a little absent today.'

'Oh no everything is fine.' He says and smiles bright at me.

I just smile back and it feels like everything starts to be 'normal' again.

'Good Night' he says in his beautiful voice before we both fall asleep.



College life is going great to be honest. It's now the third week that I'm living here with my roommate. Classes are like last year which means there are okay. Heather seems like she's doing great. It's just the fact that I see her with Jaye very often that I don't like.

I know he's not her type and everything but I still worry about that 'friendship'.
Whatever I know my sister and she can handle guys like him.

I'm just sitting in my room when Louis comes in and says he needs to tell me something. Louis is a really nice guy and I'm getting along with him well.

'Uhm Nash I heard something about your sister you may wanna know.' he says.

'Yes tell me dude' I say wanting to know what he's talking about.

'People say she's having a thing with Jaye and that a lot of girls are already talking bad about her now. You know he's the player number one here he's probably just using her and tries to get in bed with her if he hasn't already done got that.'

'God I knew that Jaye is just drama. Who told you this?' I ask and sigh.


Hmm Emilee is the closest friend of Lindsey and Lindsey is the devil in person. I couldn't believe it if that with Heather and Jaye is really true. My sister is sometimes just drama but whatever this is going to turn out as a big misunderstanding.



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Drama is about to happen.

I just want to say thank you so much
for 1000 readers in the mean
time. I love you 💛💛

Please vote if you like this story
and comment if you
would read a Shawn imagines
book if I did one.
Cause I'm not sure if I should write one.
So please tell me.

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