5. Spin the bottle

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We arrive in front of the lakehouse and you can already hear the music blasting extremely loud. The whole way to the party I couldn't take my eyes of Heather, she looks so beautiful. I even told her that.

'Hey Shawn' a random girl I don't even really know screams at me when we step in the house. The whole area is full of boys and girls holding red cups filled with strong alcohol and dancing people. It's pretty full and you can smell the amount of different smoking liquids.

'Common let's go get in the back' I say to Faith and Heather and lead them to some friends that stand I a corner.

'Hi' I scream through the loud music so that they can hear me.

'Hi you are finally here' some friends say to Nash and me.

'And he bought some hot chicks. Great job mendes.' Ray says while looking at Faith and Heather. Ray always says stuff like that. I just laugh at his comment and so the others do.

'Wanna have a drink?' I ask Nash and the girls.
Everybody responds with a yes so I go to get some drinks. Heather and Faith are practically to young to drink but there are 17 so who cares? I will keep my eyes on them.

I make my way through the amount of drunk girls and smoking people. I grab some red cups and fill alcohol in them. After that I get back to the others and hand the cups to them.

'Don't drink to much' I say when i hand Heather the cup.

'I understand Dad' she responds not taking me seriously.

We all drink our drinks and the mood gets better with every sip. We all just stand there drinking and talking for a while. I'm talking with some friends and I see Heather talking to Luke and some other guy. I know Luke and he's a really nice guy so no need to worry. After a while I go to Heather and talk with them. I stand pretty close to her because it's full and there's not a lot of space.

'Oh Shawn you're here' I hear a voice saying right behind me and turn around. Heather turn with me and I see probably the person I wanna see the last.

'Hey Lindsey' I say and give her a fake smile. Heather gives Faith a look and it seems like they know her.

'That's Lindsey?' Heather is whispering to Faith and she nods. Lindsey start to look at Heather and then at me. She notice that we stand close to each other.

'Is that your new girl?' She asks while eyeing up Heather. Heather directly looks at me with a questioning look on her face. Seconds after that that look disappears and I think she understands a little bit of the situation.

'Who cares if I am?' Heather snaps in my surprise. I don't know If she said that because of the alcohol she drunk or not. She doesn't seem drunk or anything.

Lindsey leans in and whispers something into Heathers ear which I can't hear. Lindsey just gives me on last of her imaginary looks and then walks away.

'What did she say?' I ask.

'Something like take care he's only good in bed nothing more' Heather says and has that questioning look on her face again.

'Don't listen to her she--' I get cut if by Heather.

'Shawn I don't care about what she says but who is she?'

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