Chapter 1

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"THREE WEEKS!" "Stiles. You all will not even remark my absence. It will past fast." I say trying to calm him down.

"YOU THINK WE WILL NOT REMARK OUR ALPHA ABSENCE DURING.THREE.WEEKS?!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!!" Stiles screams at me. All the pups are in the living room trying to look as if they're not listening in and sad that Stiles is upset.

"AND WHA-" "Enough." I cut him off using my alpha voice. He shuts up and looks a bit surprise. "Sorry, alpha." He says looking me straight in the eyes. I shiver as he calls me that.

He doesn't know what he does to me.

I hear the betas laugh as they scent my arousal. They all know about my crush on Stiles. They understand that I don't want to tell him. He's to young to be with an alpha. An alpha's mate. There's to much responsibilities. Not that I think that he wouldn't be able to fulfill them! But I don't want him to be stuck with me all his life. Taking care of my pack. Maybe even having babies...

How good he would look after I fill him up with my cum. His big, swollen stomach full of my pups. Our pups.


I want him to do what he REALLY wants to do in life. See the world. Not be stuck in a house that would probably looks like a prison to him.

It hurts. But that's what's better for him.

I growl and the pups shut up. "I will be away for only three weeks. The alpha's convention happens only once every five years. And maybe I will learn how to be a better alpha." "You're the best alpha, Derbear." Says Isaac looking walking in the kitchen doing puppy eyes.

"Thank you I, but I'm not. When I will come back they will stay with us for a week." Isaac pouts and walks back in the living room and I ruffle his hair. "And who's gonna have to do all the food for the extra people?" Stiles says throwing his arms in the air.

"About that. If you want. I can hire a cook for the week." I say. "BUT STILES IS THE BEST COOK OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!" Erica screams from the living room. "Erica. Stiles is already doing a lot in the house and he doesn't have to-" Stiles cuts me off and puts his hand on my shoulder "It's ok I will do it no need to hire anyone I just like complaining." He says laughing.

"You really don't have to do it Sti." "It's ok Der I swear." He would be such a good mate. Taking care of my pack like that.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. We're watching a movie tonight and we're all gonna eat together. Pups?" "Yes Derek." They all answer.

"Since it's a special night can we eat pizza?" Cora asks walking in the kitchen.

Oh no. She's doing the if-stiles-says-yes-Derek-will-say-yes-to technic. She would not have walked to the kitchen if not. Human earring. "A big greasy meat lovers pizza with a lot of bacon." She whisper in Stiles ear. She doesn't even like that kind of pizza. But that's Stiles' favorite. She doesn't even try to be subtle anymore.

Stiles starts making puppy eyes.

Fuuuuuuck. I'm just trying to be a good alpha! Even if we're werewolves pizza's not good for us! And there's humans in the pack!

"Pleaaaaase Derek! Who knows what they're gonna make you eat and the other packs! One good meal before you're going away..." "Ok!" They all screams in happiness. "But only because it's a special night." "I'm calling." Lydia says and we all shut up to ear.

"Domino's pizza can I take your order? Yes, two all dressed, one vegan, one meat lover and three pepperoni. Excuse me a minute. Of course. Shut up Jackson we're not buying your pineapple atrocity. Sorry, add four larges fries and that's it. Ok the deliver will be there in ten minutes. *They have a big staff. Ok?😂* Ok thanks. Goodbye. Bye."

I walk in bedroom where I know I let my wallet. "Scott sets the table." "Why me?" He answers complaining. "Don't make me walk back down Scott." "Yes Derek." He says and I hear the clinging sounds of the plates.

Where's my fucking wal- There it is. I walk back downstairs and see the table sets and all the pups in the living room.

I love my family. I'm gonna miss them. Three weeks. I don't really want to go but I need to represent the Hale pack. There was no one to represent it the last three times but now. I'm here.

I love to think that my family would be proud. Back in the days, some alphas were coming only to see the jobs my mom did with the old Hale pack. I hop I'm not disappointing her wherever she is.


All the pups run to the door like their lives we're depending on it. Allison's the one to get there first, she ran faster than wolves. For some pizzas.


She opens the door and delivery guys look at us like we're crazy. Seven pizzas for twelve persons. And we will eat them all. Werewolves metabolism. Wait until all the alphas get here, Stiles gonna have to cook for fifty persons.

Allison and all the others run away with their pizzas and I pay for it all.

When I get in the dining room everyone was already waiting for me. As an alpha they need to wait until I take a bite to start eating. I sit and take three pieces of all dressed pizza and some fries. "Before we all start eating I have an announcement to do."

Everyone look at me surprised. "During my absence. I need someone to watch over the land and the pack. That person will be Scott." Scott looks at me with disbelief and asks a bit panicked "What? Why me? I'm not even your second!" "I know Scott, but you were a true alpha before you gave me your power. I think you still have a little something alpha-like in you and it will be interesting to see if I'm right." "It's true Scott," Stiles adds. "You will do right."

Stiles doesn't have an official title in the pack. DON'T GET ME WRONG! He is in the pack! He just doesn't occupied any particular position officially. But all the betas consider him as their alpha's mate. A source of comfort... like a mom.

Scott calms down and smile at Stiles' comment. I take a bit of my piece of pizzas smiling at my beautiful mate. Everyone jumped on the food and start eating.

"Why didn't you chose Stiles over Scott to watch over the land during your absence. He's already doing everything in the house. What would it have been to give him a little credit." Boyd asks whispering so only the wolves will hear. Jackson stops his pizza midway in the air to hear and Isaac stops chewing his mouth wide open. They stare at me with a kind of angry look in their face.

We really need to work on subtlety. And table's manner. "Isaac honey close your mouth please." Stiles says.

I'm in love.

"As you said he's already doing everything in the house he shouldn't have to watch over the Hale land to. He knows I appreciate what he's doing." I whisper back. Well... I hop he knows. "Were you trying to defy my authority beta?" I whisper snap back. Usually I wouldn't talk to them like that but they know that Stiles's a sensitive subject. "No alpha." All the betas looked down in submission and Stiles notices. He sends me a questioning look but I shrug it off like it was nothing.

I feel proud that my mate notices the power I had over my betas.

We eat all the pizzas in 30 minutes and Isaac and Erica only fight twice for the fries. I would say that went well.

All the pups run in the living room the put on the movie while Stiles and me puts all the dishes in the dishwasher. "You know," begins Stiles "I still don't think this... alpha- convention... thing is a good idea. But if you're sure of what you're doing I'm ok with this." I try to hide my smile and answer "I am sure of what I'm doing." He nods and put the last plates in the rack.

"Ok then. Let's watch that movie." We walk to the living room where the betas have made a nest for all of us with a place in the center for me and Stiles.


We all fell asleep together in the nest.

It smells like pack. Family.

I will miss them so much.

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