Chapter 7

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Boyd screams as his jumping trough my window. He's sitting on my bed and looking at me urgently but is not touching me.

It feels easier to breath when he's telling me to.

I feel aware enough to see Erica and hear two persons climbing the stairs. Probably Lydia and Allison.

"What are you all doing here?" I ask still a bit out of breath. "What are we doing here... WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?!!" Erica screams jumping by my side on the bed.

I start breathing really fast again because of her screams. "Erica." Boyd says with authority. She notices my state and excuse herself. "It's ok Erica." Allison and Lydia get in my room.

"But really. What are you doing here?" I ask again. Allison looks at me like my skin just turned purple and Lydia says "You really thought we would want to stay with that stupid douch? Please. Who do you think we are."

"But you all think I'm useless." I say looking at my hands that are fidgeting with a loose tread on my cover. "Don't put words in our mouths Stilinski." Lydia snaps and I look up intrigued.

"But-" "there's no but Sti. We love you so much and I don't even want to think about what would happen if you weren't in the pack." Erica says hugging me like a koala.

I feel tears sliding down my cheeks and I chuckle in happiness knowing that my friends don't want me out of their lives. Everyone get in my bed with me and Erica making a small puppy piles.

"Everything will be back to normal when Derek gets back home. He will kick Scott's ass and you will get back in the Pack's house."

I look around an- wait a minute?.. "Jackson and Isaac agreed with Scott?" I ask trying to hide in Boyd's elbow.

"No they're too young to escape an alpha, even if he's not really our alpha or a real alpha at all. He's still a bit stronger than usual and when he flash his orange eyes it's still got a bit of pull on us." Erica says fidgeting with my hand.

Wait a minute...

"YOU LET ISAAC AND JACKSON ALONE WITH SCOTT?!!" I ask jumping out of my bed kneeling Boyd in the stomach as I do so.

They all have the decency to look ashamed and Allison says "You we're driving while having a panic attack Stiles. It's dangerous we were scared for you."


"And you don't think that's dangerous for two pups to be alone with a bad, angry, violent alpha?" They all looked at each other like they knew something I didn't...

"What are you not telling me?" I ask starring at them frowning. "Well..." Allison starts "Scott had only been really violent with or around you Stiles..." I turn toward her with a skeptical look.

"Why? That makes no sense. Scott's my brother. If I was triggering or irritating him don't you think we would already knew it?" I ask.

"Something has changed. In him. He's an alpha now. He's craving power." Lydia says. 

"Ok and? He said it himself. I'm just an human." I say looking at her. "You may be a human." Boyd begins, "But you are not JUST a human. You may not have noticed it, but you take care of us. You take care of us a lot. Just li-" "Just like an alpha." I say cutting him off realization setting in. All the others nod at me.

"But wait a minute. How does it not pissed off Derek? Maybe Der's really angry at me and I don't even know it!" I say panicking.

"Oh don't worry about that Sti. You acting like an alpha makes Derek totally-" "ERICA!" Allison screams cutting her off.

"What?" I ask. "Makes Derek totally what?" Boyd looks at Erica with an angry looks but she just shrugs. "Makes Derek totally trusting you." He says.

Wow. That was so not what she was gonna say.

"Right..." I say. "But that's still not a reason to let them alone with him. I want you to stay with them." "WHAT?" Allison screams.

"And what about you? I don't want you to be alone. We're gonna miss you. You're not gonna be with us." Allison says.

"I'm always gonna be with the pack. In there." I say pointing to her heart.

"Or we could just call Derek and I'm sure he will not care and come back home." Lydia says twirling a lock of her strawberry blond hair.

"And that's exactly why we're not gonna do it." I answer. "What?" Erica asks and I say right away. "If we call him. He's gonna come back in a heartbeat and he needs this vacation. I thinks he's happy to be with all those alpha. Perpetuating the Hale works. Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty sure he misses us but he needs to do this. For himself."

They all stay silent seeming to think. "Now go back to Isaac and Jackson." I say. Erica hugs me and jumps out the window, Lydia and Allison do the seem but take the door.

Once it's just me and Boyd he looked at me and says "Stiles... I just wanted to make sure that you really understand that no one think what Scott said. You're really important for this pack and I don't think that we will be able to survive without you."

I look at him speechless for a second. I think that's the most I ever heard Boyd says, and he says it to compliment me? I know it was hard for him to open up at when I first met him and that he said that to me really means a lot.

"Stiles I can hear your heartbeat going faster. Don't overthink it. You're really useful for the pack. Goodbye Sti." "Goodbye Boyd" I answer in a whisper.

He jumps on the edge of the window and just when I tought he would jump down he turns around and hugs me.

No. He doesn't just hug me.


I hug him back trying not to think about how my bones seems to be crushing 'til they're just powder and he jumps out the window.


We get in the pack's house using the front door.


The minute we all pass the door Isaac and Jackson jump on us and ask us how's Stiles. "He's... fine." Allison answers.

Isaac and her look at each other and just fall in tears.

I can't even try to imagine how it's like to see your lover change and be so mean like that.

We make a circle around them while Allison screams in Isaac arms. On their knees.

I never saw her like that.

Allison the strong one.
Allison the Hunter.

Isaac's just crying silently holding into her as if he lets her go his whole world would break.

And it's kinda true.

After a minute I can't hold it anymore and I get on my knees on the floor with them. Holding them to. Holding 'til it stops hurting. All the other get on the floor to.

"Why does it smell like the alpha slut in their?" Scott asks from the living room. We hear him coming our way and Lydia says while whipping her eyes "Go to your room we will take care of him."

Isaac nods and practically carry Allison to her room. "So?" Scott asks walking into the room.

You can't lie to a werewolf.

"We wanted to see where he was going. Make sure he never comes back... We even trow rocks at him." I snap my head toward Lydia.

Her heartbeat didn't tic, rise, slow down... It was impressive.

18 days before Derek gets back.

I can't wait to see him kicks Scott's ass when he hear that he kicked Stiles out.

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