Chapter 4

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Not any other... incident happened. It must really have been because of my disrespect of hierarchy. We really had a lot of fun, like before all of the werewolves stuff. Like brothers.

We played video game for at least three hours before the rest of the pack comes home.

They all dropped their school bag in the entrance and walk in the living room to see Scott. "So Der was really giving you some alpha power. It was not just metaphor to say that you were gonna be responsable during his absence." Jackson says sitting beside Scott on the couch.

"Yeah. Look at that!" Scott says flashing his now orange eyes.


"Wow! That's so cool!" Erica says dropping on the other side of Scott. "Yeah, really cool. But we will talk about it later. Now, I want everyone doing their homework at table." Erica sighs and sits deeper in the armchair she was in. "Go!" I insist.

They all stand and start walking to the dining room where the bigger table is when Scott who's still sitting says "And in what honor should we listen to you." He says glaring at me. The pack stops walking and looks at him like he's crazy but I simply answer "I just want what is bes-" "And you think I don't!" He screams cutting me off and surprising everyone.

He walks slowly toward me. Like a predator. Like the wolf is getting the better of him. His eyes orange. Glowing. "" Scott says trough a mouth full of fangs right in my face. "You are not." Boyd says calm as always putting his hands on his shoulder and pushing him slowly away from me.

"Derek's our alpha." Lydia says stepping in front of me facing Scott. "And where is he?" Scott says getting frustrated. We all stare at him with our mouths wide open. "Where is he your alpha?" "He isn't here for the moment Scott. YOU KNOW IT." Allison says angry.

No one want an angry Allison. She. Is scary. And dangerous.

"My problem is the MY betas-" *PUNCH* Allison is breathing heavily her hands still in the air after having punched Scott right on the nose.

Erica is crying on Boyd's shoulder and he's holding her.

Isaac and Jackson both are holding Scott back in case he tries to do something but he isn't moving. He's just starring at Allison and she's staring back. Tall and proud.

Scott's eyes turn back to brown and their's tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He cries and hides in Isaac's arms. "Take him to his room I." I say slowly and he does so.

Allison hasn't moved and still is breathing like she just run a marathon. I take her hand slowly and she practically gets a whiplash while turning her head. "What about we skip homework and all watch a movie?" I ask. They all nod and Lydia puts a Disney movie on while Isaac gets back and I start the supper.

The mac n' cheese were ready and I called everyone to eat. All the betas sit around the table but Scott stayed in his room we all ate in a sad silence thinking about our friend.

Once we all finished I say to Allison and Isaac "I think you two should go talk to Scott. You can't be angry at him for too long. You love each other and he has difficulties to adapt to his new alpha power. He will need is two lovers."

Allison and Isaac share a look that only the two of them could understand and Isaac says "We will talk to him but forgive him only if he tells you that he's sorry." "Don't worry about me guys. He's already forgiven." I say. Allison hugs me and the two of them get upstairs hands in hands.

"I think I'm going to go early to bed so I can enjoy my Saturday tomorrow." I say to all the betas still downstairs. They all hugs me good night.

Yes even Jackson.
I guess that Scott really shake them up.

I kiss Erica on the forehead to make sure she's alright and then go in my bedroom that is just beside Derek's one.

I open my cellphone and stare at Derek's number. Would it be weird if I called him?

He hasn't been gone for a long time but I'm already missing him. I'm wondering if he's missing me to.

Who am I kidding?
In what kind of universe would we be living in if the gorgeous people like Derek started missing people like me.

But maybe he could miss the pack. And I'm a part of the pack. That's enough for me.

I close my phone feeling silly to having even think about calling him. We will call him tomorrow. With all the pack. Together.

I close the light with the switch by the side of my bed (Derek insisted it would be more practical). I close my eyes but hear shy knock on my door. Must be Isaac who had another nightmare.

"Get in" I say not even opening my eyes. Someone opens the door and says slowly "I'm sorry Stiles." Scott?

Oh right.

"Sorry for what?" I ask sitting and crossing my arms. "Sorry Stiles for being an ass." He says looking at the floor. "It's ok buddy come here." Scott jumps on my bed and hugs me.

"You alright?" I ask him. "Yeah. Goodnight Sti." He answers walking back to the door. "Goodnight Scotty."

I take back my phone and text to Allison and Isaac asking if they're still angry at our temporary alpha. After assuring them that he came apologize they tell me that they're all fine.

I close my phone once again and finally go to sleep. Only 19 days and Derek will be back. My alpha.

Derek's side's coming soon my lovelies❤️ (short chapter sorry)

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