Chapter 3

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Scott starts acting funny beside me. Well, funnier than usually. Harris is annoying but it never bothered Scott like that before.

I stare at him and begin to see claws forming on his finger. I grip him by the shoulder and ask "You ok buddy?" But he doesn't even seemed to hear me. I shake his shoulder and he turns his head to look at me but he looks like his head weight five hundreds pounds whiteout the werewolf strength.

What the fuck?

I can't bring him to the school nurse with his claws out. I put his arm behind my shoulder and hiss him out of class running. For anyone else it wouldn't be that alarming but for a werewolf? I'm not taking any risk.

Lydia and Boyd who share that class with us followed. Harris is screaming after us but we will deal with this later "Lyds texts the pack and tell them to meets us outside, now." I say.

Scott is now in a complete beta shift and is practically limp in my arms "Boyd... help..." I say between my teeth as I try to support Scott all by myself. He runs to me and take all of him and Scott starts convulsing a little.

"Out. NOW!" I say when is convulsion starts to get stronger.

Once outside Boyd drops Scott in the grass and we all kneel beside him. His convulsions stopped and all the pack comes running outside. I'm happy that Erica doesn't have to see Scott convulsing. I'm scared that that would've brought back... bad memories.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Allison screams dropping beside Scott, putting his head in her lap and petting his hair. "I don't know he just seemed out of it in class and then he started shifting." "Call Deaton!" Isaac says panicking.

I dial Deaton number and as I press the call button Scott sits up straight and howl. Allison screams in surprise and Jackson places himself protectively in front of her by reflex. Scott is panting taking big labored breath in. He opens his eyes and they're... they're orange?

"Stiles? STILES? Sorry Deaton. How can I help you? We're bringing you Scott." I say to the doctor and hang up.

"How are you feeling Scotty?" Erica asks taking hesitant steps toward him. "I feel- I feel... powerful." Scott says between deep breath.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask searching for an injury or blood on him. "No, I'm fine." He says pushing me back gently.

"Ok then. Everyone back to class, I will bring Scott to Deaton and we will talk tonight at the house." I say not wanting the pup to miss class more than they already did because of werewolves problems.

"We're not leaving him alone." Isaac says. "I will be with him, go back to class." I say using my mom voice as Erica likes to call it. "Ok." He says lookin down worried "Love you." "Love you to. See you tonight guys." I say. Scott waved goodbye and we get in my Jeep.

*At Deaton's*

"And nothing triggered it?" The doctor asks me after I explained everything to him. "Nothing that I can think of." "Interesting." Deaton hands Scott his shirt and he puts it on. I know Deaton for now 3 years and he still likes to be mysterious.

Erica and Jackson hate it.

"Will it happen again?" Scott asks jumping down of the examination table. "I don't think so." Deaton answers and we look at him expectingly but he does as if he doesn't remark it. "Soooo..." I finally say. "So what mister Stilinski?" "So what happened?" "And why do my eyes are orange?" Scott and me ask.

"Well, I heard that alpha Hale passer down his alpha statue to you during his absence mister McCall." Scott nods.

"Then it was simply the alpha power passing down to you. I bet that you passed out the exact moment Derek got out of his territory. And your orange eyes are simply the color of your beta eyes mixed with the red of alpha one's. They're not completely red to recall you that it's simply temporary." Deaton explains.

"Oh. Ok then. We... we will just go back home. Thanks doc." Deaton nods in salute and we go out.

We get in the car and I get a text from Lydia.

Lyds 🍓

Harris is very mad.
We will deal with it.
How's Scott?
Fine. It was just the alpha power passing down to him. It was nothing. Can you tell the pack?
Ok. See u 2night
See u.

I start the car but Scott looks... off. "You ok Scotty?" "Yeah I'm fine. Sorry for Harris." "It's nothing." I say placing a comforting hand on his shoulder and squeezing gently.

I park the car in the driveway of the house and we get in. "Pizza and video games?" I ask already dialing the pizzeria number. "Yeah." He answers distracted.

Scott looks really weird. It must be the alpha power. It's a lot of responsibilities. I turn on the Xbox and we play for fifteen minutes before someone ring at the door. I go get the pizza and we both take a piece.

I take a bite and Scott flashes his orange eyes at me looking angry. I spit the bite in my plate. "Don't do that again. I'm your alpha now." Scott says still starring angrily at me. I stay freeze in shock. Even Derek doesn't react like that when someone eat before him.

I think that since he became a werewolf. That's the first time I'm afraid of being alone with Scott, my brother. "I'm sorry" I say taking a step back. "I'm sorry who?" Scott snaps turning in beta shift while walking right in my face. "I'm- I'm- I'm sorry alpha." I say stuttering and looking at my feet.

"Next time look at me in the eyes when you're talking but it's ok for now." Scott says sitting down at the table and eating like nothing happened.

I'm overreacting. It's true. He's the alpha and I ate before him. I need to adjust to Scott being an alpha.

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