Chapter 10

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"Der!" Sti answers the phone. At this hour he was probably doing the dishes of the dinner. "Hi Sti, what are you doing?" I ask even tho I already now the answer. "The dishes. Exciting isn't it?" He asks laughing making me laugh to. "And you?"

"No wait a minute... are you doing it alone again?" I ask. "Well... I was alone but now they're all in the kitchen listening to what we're saying." He says chuckling "Well since they're all here Jackson help Stiles." I say not wanting my baby to do the work all alone again.

"WHAT? Why me?!!" I hear Jackson protests with Stiles and Scott laughing. "Now." I say with my alpha voice and Stiles and Scott stop laughing. "Argh!" Jackson complains but I hear dishes clinging together meaning that he gets to work.

"Oh and Stiles... I've got something else to ask you..."

There's so much things I want to ask him... but right now, isn't the moment.

"Has everything been alright since I was gone?" I hear nothing on the other side, not even the splashing and clinging sounds of the dishes.

"Stiles are you ok?" I ask getting more worried and starting to pace around. I hate being away from my pack. I. HATE. IT. "Yes everything has been fine since you left." "Lydia? Where's Stiles?" "To the washroom. Anything else?" Something is wrong. I know my pack. Something's not right.

"Lydia what's happening?" "Nothing? Why would there be anything wrong?" There's definitely something wrong. "Because that's not like Stiles to not finish a phone call. I saw him talking to the phone with his dad while brushing his teeth." "For someone who doesn't want to go out with Stiles because you don't want him to miss his life. You sure want him to stop living to talk on the phone with you."

Low. Blow. She doesn't have the RIGHT to use that against me. She doesn't know what it's like. Having that amazing person you love right in front of you. Everyday. Always be so close to them. But can't do anything because you can't inflict yourself to them. You love them to much for that.

"What the fuck Lydia?" "Sorry Der. It's just that I think it's stupid. Or you're stupid. Anything else?"

Lydia acting so much like... so much like Lydia. Makes me realize that I miss them all so much. I mean I already know I miss them... But it just hits me really hard.

"You're not telling me but I know something's happening Lyds. We will talk about it when I get back. Goodbye guys. I miss you all." I end the call and walk back to the others.

They all get together on the porch of Clarence's pack house who's still inside talking to his beta. "How was you're packs?" I ask. "They all catch it. All our betas we put in charge. They all catch Makaretara." Answers Stephen who never looked so serious.

"What about yours dear?" Gina asks putting a hand on my shoulder. "Something's wrong." I simply says.

STILES POV *take your Delorean we're going five minutes back in time...*

Der-bear🐶 is calling
I remove the plastic gloves I had one to do the dishes.

Hey! Stop judging the water's really hot.

"Der!" Do I sound to excited? I don't want to sound to excited. "Hi Sti, What are you doing?"

Oh fuck I missed his voice.

The pack starts to come in the kitchen when they hear that Derek's on the phone and looks at me like excited puppy. Guess they missed Derek to.

"The dishes. Exciting isn't it?" I answer laughing. Lame. I am so. Fucking. Lame. He laughs. It's beautiful. "And you?" I ask.

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