Chapter 11

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I wake up in the living room in a puppy pile the TV still open because of my cellphone that is ringing in Lydia's hand. I jump on it before she could wake up.

"AH!" I scream an everyone wakes up groaning. "Stiles. You're an idiot." Jackson tries to say his mouth full of Lydia's hair.

"It's the one who's calling at eight in the morning who's an idiot." I say while opening my phone.

Der-bear🐶 is calling

I suppress a laugh and answer "Hi Derek!" And all the pack start laughing like crazy making my crack and laugh to. "Good morning Stiles. Why are you all laughing?" Der asks confuse.

I take a minute to stop laughing before saying "Nothing Der, Wassup?" "I have a good news." "Oh great! I love good news!" "I'm coming home sooner than planned!" All the betas stop what they were doing immediately and look at me.

"OH MY GOD YES!!!" Erica screams jumping up. Boyd explains to Allison and Lydia what's happening and they all start jumping around and screaming in happiness.

"Derek that's awesome! When are you coming back?" I ask excited. "In four days... BUT the other alphas are only gonna stay for a day and a night." "In four... IN FOUR DAYS! I need to start cleaning the house right. Now. I can't wait to see you Der. Call you later, bye!" I hang up before he could say anything else.

"EVERYONE OUT OF MY WAY TODAY I'M CLEANING!" I scream already walking toward the closet where I keep all the cleaning stuff.

"What? But we want to help!" Allison protests. "Do you remember what happened the last time you all tried to help cleaning the house?"

"I made a bleach stain on the carpet." Isaac says looking down sounding ashamed. "You made a bleach stain on the carpet." I say back.

"But that removed the chocolate!" Allison says trying to defend his boyfriend. "But we had to buy a new carpet." I say.

"Boyd, Lydia you can help if you want to the other. You have an hour and I want you all out." I say my hands on my hips.

"You're no fun!" Isaac screams running upstair to get changed before getting out of the house.

"Want to go shopping so we can blind the other alphas away with our new outfit?" Erica asks. "Hell yeah!" Allison answers also running upstair. "I'm coming." Lydia says walking upstair.

"Me to." Jackson says catching up with Lydia and taking her hand.

"What I'm gonna do?" Scott asks throwing his hands up in the air falling on the couch.

Who said I was the dramatic one?

"Well Scott usually I wouldn't even want to think about that... but I think you and Isaac has a little catch up to do because of your... alpha problem?" I say.

"I'm not sure he completely forg-" "SCOTT MCCAL GETS YOUR ASS UP HERE!" Isaac screams from upstairs and Scott eyes get as big as billard balls "I'm pretty sure he did." I say chuckling and he runs upstairs.

All the girls get back downstairs after I finished scrubbing the sink "Do you all have money to go eat breakfast somewhere?" I ask before Erica could open the front door.

They all didn't move for a second and turn around with puppy eyes smiling with all there teeth. "Take the debit card Derek lefts for us." "THANKS STI!" Erica screams will running in Derek's Office.

"If you use that card for anything else than food I will know it! And it's Derek you need to thank mot me!" I scream back when they all run out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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