Chapter 8

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*spongebob like* Three days later

It's been three days since the last time I talked face to face with the pack. I text with them often, but just the thought that I no longer smell like pack makes me sick.

Sometimes at school they would wave at me or all kind of sign language but always from far away. Allison explained to me that if they were smelling like me Scott gets furious.

I don't want Scott to be furious at the pack. I'm scared for them.

Only 15 days before Derek gets back and I can get back in the pack house.

My father was surprised to see me home when I got back, but he knew better than to ask. I usually eat with him at least once a week but seeing him everyday was really nice.

I get in roscoe to drive out of the school's parking lot and to my father's house.

I get in my bedroom and read some bd.

I get in my room and wonder if Derek misses me.

After finishing my bd.

After concluding that he probably misses me like he misses all the pack. Not like how I wish he thinks of me.

I go downstairs and start dinner for me and my father.

I go downstairs to find distraction from my only thoughts that are Derek's deep voice, green eyes and pink lips.

I get the chicken's breasts out of the fridge and I hear someone getting in the house in hast. I turn around surprised and see Boyd our of breath supporting himself against the closed front door.

"Boyd!" I scream "Get out! The house is literally a stink bomb à l'eau de Stiles!" He stands off the door and walk toward me.

As he was about to touch me I step back but get blocked by the counter and he hugs me.

Boyd hugs me two times in less than a week and one of those time will probably gets him to get his ass kicked.

"Boyd what's wrong? What are you doing here?" I ask as I hug him back. He looks at me with puppy eyes. (I didn't even know Boyd could do puppy eyes.)

"We can't to this anymore Sti." He buries his heads in my neck and takes a big sniff. I hold onto him stronger.

"Scott his horrible. He makes us train two times a day. Before and after school, and I think we didn't eat a proper meal since the day you left. He can't cook. And by can't cook I don't mean it tastes funny I mean he can't make the difference between salt and peppers and he won't lets us even walk in the kitchen because it's an alpha job. When we try to buy some restaurants he didn't have any money to pay and wouldn't let us do it because HE is the alpha. We run out of bread for toast yesterday morning. Can't buy it." Boyd says getting gooey in my arms.

He had let. My pups. Starve. FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS?! This bitch is dead. I will kill him, make ribs and steaks with his corpse and cook it to the pack. I will make earrings and necklace with his teeth and eyeballs to the girls. I will put wolfsbane so deep in his heads that it will get out by his nose.

"Did you run here?" I simply ask Boyd in a very too calm voice petting his hair. He looks up with a slightly afraid look like he knows what I'm thinking and answers "Y-Yes, we were training and while he was kicking Erica's ass I run as fast as I could so he wouldn't see me. We all planed this while he was sleeping."

I stop petting his hair and take his head in my hands softly so he looks me in the eyes "Here's what we gonna do ok?" He nods in a weird way 'cause of his head still in my hands "Alright. We are both gonna get in Roscoe, we're gonna drive to the house and I'm gonna have a little chat with Scott."

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