Chapter 9

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This chapter will mainly serve to present the alphas... and I'm not that good in OC. I'm sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️


After a day of running in my alpha form with the four other alpha, we finally get in Clarence Roger's pack. I wonder how his pack will be...

Clarence's a tall fair skinned guy. I can tell he's attractive but he's not my kind. I only passed three days with him but I can tell that he's intelligent, not as much as Stiles... but still. He's got long blond hair that he keeps in a ponytail or a bun giving him this hippy vibe. But even tho he looks all peace and love, he's got some fight in him.

We did a lot of fighting in the Harrison pack. Let's just say that Stephen Harrison, the alpha, prefers to use his muscles than his head. Stephen's a bit shorter than me, brown hair, stubble, sharp facial feature, sun-kissed skin and has this all lumberjack look going on...

After that we have Stella Eaton, she thinks that she's better than the whole world. She's annoying and pretentious. Really annoying. She has black curly hair, pale skin and plump full lips.

And finally, my dear Gina Houston. An old lady probably eighty, who looks like all the other lady. I don't even know what she's doing here. She's probably the wisest person I've ever know. She makes me think of my Grandma... maybe that's why I like her so much. She keeps me company and helps me to not think about- about- about Stiles all the time. She always seems to know something we don't... like she could read our souls. I think that's why I like her. I don't have to say anything she just... knows. And when she don't, she doesn't press to get an answer.

I've been away from my pack, from my Stiles for 6 days and I will be for 15 long other days. During the first day I drove all day long in the camaro to get to Harrison pack. After that, we passed four days mostly fighting and sadly, trying to know each other. And now, on the sixth day we all run in our wolf form to Clarence's territory.

The sun is starting to set and I can't wai-


A beta just jumped on Clarence's back his claws ripping through his sides making him yelp in pain. Clarence pushes him off his back with his big blond paw and Stella and me pin him to the floor.

The werewolf flashes his eyes at us. Orange. Like when mom would go to those alpha meeting and gave control to Dad. This guy must be the one Clarence gave control to during his absence.

"Larry?" Clarence asks panting in his naked human form walking toward us. The beta, Larry, just roars in his face and tries to get out of our grip. "Larry listen to me." Larry's alpha says trying to snap him out of it but he just roars I his face and says

"Why would I listen to you? You let your pack alone! You let your pack down! I'm being a so better alpha than you ever were!" Clarence tries to talk to him again "Larry listen to me. What is ha-"

"I'M NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU YOU FUCKING PRICK!" He screams struggling against Stella and me. "LISTEN!" Larry snaps flashing his red eyes.

Larry stops fighting and look right in his alpha's eyes. "You are going to stop defying me and never do that again. Is it clear? I know you Larry. You would never do something like that." "Crystal clear" Larry answers looking down.

"Crystal clear who?" Clarence asks flashing his eyes once again. "Crystal clear, Alpha." He answers stopping struggling against us.

I look at Clarence to ask if we could let him go and he nods. I let go of Larry's arm and Stella do the same but the young beta doesn't get up and start convulsing on the floor.

"LARRY?" Clarence screams running to his side and kneeling beside him. I look around my mouth wide open to see all the others in the same position except Gina, who looks interested.

"What's happening?" Stephen asks. "I don't know!" Clarence says looking at his beta feeling like he can't do anything.

It makes me think of Erica... How she had often seizures before being a part of my pack... How she was fighting all the time... I miss my pack. My strong pack.

Larry sits up and howl his eyes flashing yellow. The poor boy pants while Clarence rubs his back. "Makaretara." Gina simply says.

"What?" I ask looking at her. "Makaretara, they're parasite who feed of power. They get in your head and make you do anything to make you feel powerful, and the more you get that feeling the more you need it. Because they get bigger and feed more. To kill Makaretara, they need to feel-"

"Weak." Stella says cutting her off.

For fuck sake let the old lady talk.

"No. Simply to have someone making them feel like they don't need that power. Like here, they didn't need the power because his alpha's here to take care of him, take care of everything. The Makaretara get a false sense of security, stop feeding and feeding and die."

"Geez, I've never felt bad for a sickness before." Stephen says scratching the top of his head.


Larry starts crying in Clarence's shoulder "I did- I did horrible things to the- the pack! I'm so- sorry Clarence!" Larry says trying to hide under his alpha's arm.

"It's ok Lar, it wasn't your fault. Let's go inside and explain everything to the pack ok?" Clarence stands and Larry stays stuck to his side while walking inside.

What if something happens to the pack?

What if Scott caught Makaretara while I was away?

What if Scott did something to Stiles?

"You're not coming?" Clarence asks when he sees that none of us are following him.

"Later, I just wanna call my pack to make sure everything's alright..." I say and he nods "You?" He ask looking at the other.

"Even if I'm sure my pack's alright, I'm gonna give them a call just to be sure." Stella says. I roll my eyes, she's starting to seriously get on my nerve.

I didn't stay to listen to Stephen's excuse to call his pack and walk to the camaro that one of Stephen's pack mate drives here. Usually, I wouldn't let anyone touch it but I did get along well with the woman who proposed to drive it and I needed to run with the other alphas.

I get in the trunk and put on a black pair of jeans, a black Henley and my leather jacket. Stiles would probably say that I look like a sourwolf. I can't wait to see him.

I take my cellphone in my pocket and dial Stiles' number.

Sorry this one was particularly crappy😬

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