Chapter 6

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Scott walks away from me and start talking haughtiness lacing his voice. "Took you all long enough. To get you all warmed up a little we will start by a run around the territory." He starts running without looking behind to see if we were following him.

We all run behind him, Allison, Lydia and me we're able to keep up since he wasn't using his werewolf speed, but Boyd still stayed behind us to be sure.

We've been running for now forty minutes and the werewolves aren't even breaking a sweat and Lydia and me are starting to get tired. Allison is a little slower than when we began but is still able to keep up with the pack. "Jackson come here!" I say. He slows down to get at our level.

"Can you take Lydia on your back for the rest of the run?" I ask him. I don't know if Scott forgets that there's human in the pack, that he knows we were gonna get piggy ride with the wolves so they would train with pound or that he simply doesn't care.

"Of course. Mademoiselle, if you may." Jackson says putting a knee on the floor. Lydia giggles and gets on his back gracefully, like the queen she is.

"Boyd can I get on yours?" I ask him. He nods and speed up a bit so he's in front of me. He puts a knee on the floor and I think I poke him in the eyes by accident. "Sorry!" I say and he runs faster catching up with the others.

We run like that for fifteen other minutes before Allison also becomes tired. She doesn't even have to ask that Isaac's already crouched in front of her so she can get on his back.

Scott doesn't seem to notice or care that half of his pack we're not running anymore but it was to predict. We are human.

After another thirty minute we get back to the house and we jump off the werewolves back before Scott could turn around and see us. We all stare at his back and we see the point of his little hairy werewolf ears.


He turns around his fangs poking his lips and screams "Fight!" We all look at him a bit confused "I knew you were all stupid but I thought you would at least know what the word fight means."

Lydia seems ready to tell him to fuck off the Martin way but I get a hold of her arm and hold her back picking her up as my fighting partner.

She glares a bit but gets in fight stance. Boyd gets in pair with Jackson, Isaac with Erica and Allison with Scott.

I'm a bit scared to let Allison fight with Scott...

Nah. I mean he's not really himself since Derek left but Allison is his girlfriend... and even if she was not I'm pretty she would kick his ass.

We all start fighting the werewolves are pretty violent but since I don't see any blood yet I guess it's alright. Lydia and me are only practicing the little thing that Derek showed us.

We sur can't fight werewolves but I would like to see someone trying to steal Lydia's bag.

Scott and Allison are fighting pretty violently but Scott's looking at us while blocking every hits Allison throws at him.

Usually with Derek, we make a circle and he fights with one person at the time so we can see what to do and how to do it and Der can correct us.

"What. Are. You. DOING?" Scott screams making everyone turn and look at him. He walks at determinate pace toward Lydia and me.

Oh fuck.

"What. Is. That?" He says trough gritted teeth two centimeters away from my face. "It's... fighting?" I say confused by my friend. All the pack stop what they were doing and stepped a bit closerie to see what's happening.

"You call that fighting?!" Scott screams his eyes flashing orange. The betas steps once again closer. "I think you've touched her two times since the beginning of the training and. It wasn't. Even. Violent!" Scott says getting really angry.

"Scott. We- we are humans. I can't hit her. She won't heal like you guys do." I say taking a step back fearing my best friend once again.

"The fact that you don't heal is a reason that should make you train harder." Scott snaps. "We Are training hard!" I scream defending Lydia and myself.

"You are? You are training hard? Then go on. Fight with me." Scott says getting in fight stance defiantly.

"Wha-what?" I ask looking at him dubiously. "Fight. With. Me." He says stepping closer once again.

I look at him and before I could even do anything he throws me on a tree and I roll on the floor.

I cough a bit and look in my hand.
No blood. I'm fine.

"STILES!" Erica screams running to me the rest of the pack on her feet. "YOU ARE NOT TRAINING HARD ENOUGH!" Scott howls in our direction.

The pack looks devastated and Isaac and Allison are crying Isaac trying to hide himself in Allison's chest while she holds him.

I feel a bit dizzy and I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be only one Boyd not two.

"SCOTT HE IS FUCKING! HUMAN!" Jackson screams back. A year ago I would never ever even thought about Jacks defending me... Or maybe I hit my head harder than I thought.

"Does human means weak to you Jackson?" Scott asks angry. "Allison's human and she's not weak. Leave it to fucking Derek Hale to bring weak people in his own pack."

"Don't bring me into this Scott fucking McCall and don't you dare even THINK about Derek. You're not even half of the man he his. And you may think you're tough but whiteout Stiles. This pack is nothing. " Allison snaps standing tall in front of the pack facing Scott using the most venom in her voice I ever heard her use.

Scott glares at Allison while he says "Stiles, you're weak and you are holding the pack down because of it. We would do so much better without you. When have you ever be really useful for this back. Go away. And don't come back."

You're useless.

I feel my vision getting blur. I hear someone screaming. Probably Erica. I don't care. I can't breath.

They'll do so much better without you.

I need to get out of here. I run to my car and hear someone screams my name. It doesn't matter now.

No one cares about you.

I'm speeding to my house, probably breaking a half of the road law. I still can't see properly when I park in my house.

You would be better dead.

I climb the stairs two at the times. My worst nightmare has come true. I'm kicked out of the pack.

You're own brother doesn't like you.

I close my bedroom's door behind me and jump on my bed. Usually during panic attack, Scott or my father are here to coach me trough it. But my father's working and Scott...

You're so stupid you need someone to tell you to breath.

Breath Stiles. Breath. There's not enough here in the room. Breath. Breath.


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