Chapter 2

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I wake up spooning with Derek behind me and Isaac in front of me. I feel Derek moves a little an-

Little Stiles is telling me to move away. Fast.

I stand abruptly waking up everyone. "What the fuck Stiles?" Scott asks "Sorry I need to pee." If passing all my time with werewolves teached me one thing it's that they can smell everything. Like... EVERYTHING. But in the morning not only couldn't they smell my... well... ok. But they couldn't tell I was lying either.

So I run to the bathroom and wait that Little Stiles calms down and then pee because the werewolves are already angry at me it will be hell if they think I lied to them.

I get back in the living room where everyone's starting to sit up. I let them wake up slowly and start breakfast. I'm cooking for the pack for now a year. I love it. It makes me feel close to my mom. She's the one who taught me how to cook.  Not easy with an ADHD suffering kid.

"Thanks Sti." Derek says sitting at the end of the table. I serve him three eggs, five slices of bacon and a buttered toast just how he likes it. "You're really the best." He says when he saw his plate and puts his hand on little of my back. "Yo-you're welcome." I stutter and go hide in the kitchen.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I bang my head on the counter. How can I be attracted to my alpha?

He needs someone powerful, brave, courageous, who could be a good alpha mate. And I'm not all of those things. And he probably would wants kids. Like I could give him that. I wish I could. But I can't pretend being what I'm not.

"STILES THE EGGS ARE BURNING!" Scott screams from the dining room.


I turn off the oven and start serving the food. The eggs are not that bad. Not as good as I would usually do them but still fine. Four pieces of bacon in each plate three eggs and a toast.

"There you go guys." I say handing the plates of my tray. We decided to buy one a month after we all start living in the rebuilt Hale house.

We all start eating after Derek of course and Jackson asks "When are you leaving Derek?" Derek looks at his watch and says "In an hour." We all look at him with our mouths wide open. "Close your mouth when there's food in it Erica pleaze." "Sorry Sti."

He ate his last egg in a bite and walks upstairs, probably doing his luggage. "I thought he was going much later. We didn't see him that much." Allison says pouting and all the others agree. "He's not going away forever guys, only for three weeks." I say placing a comforting hand on Boyd's shoulder, we tend to forget him because he's quiet but I know he needs it.

That didn't stop their pouting. "Ok. I understand." They look at me hopeful "Go bother him. I'm gonna do the dishes." "STILES YOU'RE THE BEST!" Scott screams and jumps in my arms. "GO!" I say pointing upstairs and they all run to Derek's room.

I hear battling sounds as I dry the last fork and then Jackson screams "ERICA BROKE MY NOSE AGAIN!"

Ah fuck.

"JACKSON WAS AN IDIOT AGAIN!" Erica screamed back. I laugh and get upstairs. Everyone's in Derek's bed except Derek who has Erica and Jackson both by the back of their shirts. "What happened?" I ask still laughing.

"Well, Stiles. I was doing my luggage, alone, peacefully when a bunch of kids stumble into my room and Erica just broke Jackson nose. Because- I don't know why she did that. But she did it." Derek says with his grumpy look. Two years ago I would probably would have shit in my pants if Derek was looking at me like that but now I know that he's just TRYING to look angry.

"I BLEED ALL OVER MY FAVORITE SHIRT!" Jackson screams pouting.

I knew he wasn't angry because of he's nose. I think it's the third time just this week.

"Give it to me I'm gonna wash it." I say. "Fast before the blood dry! It's easier to wash if it's fresh." Jackson gave me his shirt and Derek let go of Erica.

I walk to the basement where the washing machine is. I wash Jackson shirt and get back on the first stage. All the pack is in front of the door looking sad. "What's hap- Oh." I say as I see Derek by the door his duffel bag in one hand.

For a second it seems like their's only the two of us staring at each other. I will miss him so much.

Take a grip Stiles.

He'll be gone for only three weeks and that's not like he was your boyfriend or anything....

Derek lets his bag fall as his feet and walk to me determined.

What is he-

What's hap-

Once he's in front of me I'm sure he's gonna hug the shit out of me. Kiss me. Tell me he loves me. But he seems to remember something and simply scent mark me. By putting his hand behind my neck.

What was I thinking. He never would have kissed me. I'm stupid.

The werewolves must all have smelt my shame or sadness because they all look sad, Derek looks confused and I look down. "I'm gonna be back in three weeks not one more day." He says searching my eyes like it's a promise. "I know." I say finally looking at him.

We stare at each other once again me looking sad and I'm searching answer in my eyes his hand still on my neck. I profit of the contact since I know it's the best I can get. It feels good. Reassuring.

"Goodbye Der." I say after a minute. He seems to realize his hands was still on me and stumble away. "Goodbye everyone." He says smiling. "Bye Der. Be careful we love you." Lydia says for everyone waving.

And then he's out. For three weeks. 21 days. 504 hours. 30 240 minutes. 1 814 400 seconds.

We all get dressed up for school like it was a normal day and get to Beacon Hills High.

I don't have time to miss Derek. I'm stronger than longing over a man who doesn't love me back. I have a pack to take care of.

The pack knows that I'm in love with Derek. I think that's why they try to make me thing about anything but him on the way to school. Allison stuck to my side all the way and I'm happy for the comfort.

They're sad to but they're here for me. That's why I decide to be strong.

For them.

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