Chapter 5

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I wake up as Erica and Isaac jump on my bed.

How fun.

"What was the deal about Saturday morning?" I say my voice still filled with sleep. "Not before 9:30. But it is nine thirty!" Erica says still jumping up and down my bed in sync with Isaac.

I get my arm out of the duvet to get my cellphone and look at the hour.

And of course. Erica's right.

"And letting me sleep in was to demanding?" I ask a bit annoyed letting me fall down on my pillow. They stop jumping and I sit to look at them.

They're just standing on my bed like kicked puppy and I'm pretty sure I saw Isaac bottom lip shaking. "It's ok guys I'm not angry. Just get out I'm gonna dress and get downstairs to make pancakes.

They laugh and run downstairs with a little help of werewolf speed. And I take my time to get dressed.

Once downstairs I find everyone waiting for me sitting at the table and someone had put all the ingredients out on the counter so I didn't have to get them. Probably Boyd.

I make the pancakes at a supernatural *wink*wink* speed and put them all in a plate at the center of the table. I wait for Scott to take one not wanting yesterday... event. To happen again. Scott takes five and I take two.

In five minutes all the food was gone and all the pack had their stomach full. "So guys... Do you have any plans for today?" I ask the pack. "We will train today. I want everyone in the backyard at one thirty." Scott says before anyone could say anything.

Allison and Lydia pout. Guess they wanted to go do shopping.

We still have a lot of time before training and I know exactly what we should do. "Does anyone wants to call Derek?" "YEEEEEES!!!" They all scream except Scott who just walked away in the living room.


I take out my room phone of the back pocket of my jeans and call Derek. "Hi Stiles." He answers and I relax immediately. I missed the unique way he has to say my name, I can't wait for him to get back. "DEREK!" All the Pack screams happy to hear their alpha's voice. Derek chuckles at the enthusiasm of his pups and asks "Hi pups, you're all listening to Scott and Stiles like I told you to right?"

Listening to me? Why would he wants his pups to listen to me? Sarcastic, adhd suffering, annoying, useless Stiles.

"YES!" All the pups scream at the same time fighting to get closer to the phone. "Ok guys you can stop fighting he's a werewolf. He could hear you if you were on the other side of the room." "Are you sure about that?" Jackson asks planting doubt in all the pups heads.

They all start running as far away as they could asking Derek if he could hear them fighting each other for who's Derek hearing. I use their inattention to talk to my alpha "How do you find your trip so far?" "Well, I've been for the Harrison pack for only a day and I'm already bored." "Really? Why? And how much time do you need to stay with them?"

"For another four day. And they're all about being strong. Physically." What? "But that's not supposed to be... Good?" Derek chuckles again and answers "Yes. But they're... how could I phrase it. They're dumb. And the alpha's a douche." We both laugh and the betas stop fighting our laughs catching their attention.

"Or maybe I'm just used to you being so clever that everyone else seems stupid?" Derek asks in a soft voice. I feel myself blushing like mad. "I doubt it Der." I say fondly and a bit shy "We will call you later. Bye alpha." "Bye Sti." I end the call and pass a hand trough my hair chuckling softly.

I turn around and all the pack have their mouths slightly agape and are watching me with goofy smiles. "What?" I ask taking composure of myself. "Nothing." Jackson says.

I look at them doubtful but as I was about to push to know what's happening Scott comes in the dining room at an angry fast pace. "Training." He says opening the glass backdoor. "What? NOW?" Erica asked pouting.

"I think you heard me right." He says angrily, closing the door behind him. They all turned to me and start talking at the same time. "We were going to go shop-" "The new episode starts in five minu-" "My makeup's perfect and wont last trough traini-" "I wanted to call Der aga-"

"ENOUGH!" I scream making them all stop. "Lydia and Allison, you can go shopping AFTER training, Isaac you can watch your émission in rediffusion later and Erica you can use Lydia's super expensive setting spray." "But-" Lydia tried to argue but I cut her off. "LYDIA." "Ok sorry." "Now everyone go change in sports clothes."

They all run to their room to change and I walk to mine rolling my eyes. I put on some black adidas shorts and one of my old stat wars graphic tee. As I walk back down the stairs I screams so the humans hear me to "When I get downstairs I swear if they're still someone upstair I will personally see as they don't get dinner."

I hear fast footstep and turn around to see Jackson jumping above me and all the fly of stairs landing gracefully on his feet and me, I tripped an the last one and fall right on my face. I put my hand in the air and Jackson takes it helping me to my feet. I thanked him, he nods looking at me with exasperation and all the pack laugh.

We all get in the courtyard, me at the head of the pack where Scott was already waiting for us. I stop beside him the pack behind us and clap a hand on his shoulder. Scott turns his head slowly to look at my hand and then at me with disgust like I was not worth of even breathing the same air as him.

I remove my hand fast and start feeling sad and kind of dirty.

What the fuck his up with him?!

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