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It had been a month since John moved in and in that time, he and Maryann had become good friends. This scared Maryann a bit and she tried to push him away a few times, but she learned that John was stubborn.

‘Heh Mary, you came over,’ John said, pulling the pale skinned girl into a hug.

‘Of course John,’ Maryann said ‘Where would I be?’

‘Babysitting,’ John said with humour in his dark brown eyes.

‘Be quiet, I don’t just babysit.’

‘In other news Octavia Freeman, the girl-’

‘What was that?’ Maryann asked

 ‘The news,’ John told her

‘Can I watch it?’ Maryann asked

‘Of course.’ John said as they walked into the living room

‘Octavia would be twenty years old, but she passed away when she was eighteen years old-’

Maryann couldn’t listen anymore, before her mum could say anything as she was on the screen, she ran out of the room.

‘Maryann, is something wrong?’ John asked as he looked into Maryann’s wide baby green eyes

‘I- I’m fine.’ Maryann chocked out ‘I just need to get something’s from the store,’

‘Do you want me to come with you?’

‘No… I need some time to myself,’

‘That’s okay Maryann, but remember that I’m here,’ John said

‘Thanks John,’

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