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Bang, Bang

‘Who’s there?’ Maryann asked as she walked to the door.

‘It’s me,’ John said ‘can I come in?’ 

‘Why?’ Maryann asked

‘I want to talk to you,’

‘Okay,’ Opening the door for the tanned skin boy.

‘Thank you,’ John said as he locked the door and walked into Maryann’s living room ‘Plain.’


‘Sorry, I didn’t think that you’d have so little,’

‘It’s okay, most of the things that the kids have given me are in one of the guest rooms.’ Maryann said, looking at the plain cream room with pale blue chairs. ‘Do you want something to drink?’

‘No thank you,’ John said taking a seat ‘Can you sit down.’

‘Of course,’ Maryann said as she took the chair across from the brown eyed boy, the silence the followed was so tense that you could of cut it with a knife.

‘What’s wrong Mary?’ John asked break the silence


‘Don’t say nothing,’ John shouted ‘Please, you haven’t talked to me for a month, it has to do with Octavia Freeman doesn’t it?’

‘It’s none of your business,’ Maryann snapped

‘How is it none of my business?’ John asked

‘Because it’s not.’

‘That’s not an answer,’

‘I don’t trust…’ Maryann couldn’t continue

‘Trust who?’ John calmly asked her

‘Anyone,’ Maryann whispered


‘It doesn’t matter’

‘It does’ John told her

‘My family doesn’t love me’ Maryann was on the verge of crying

‘Family isn’t always everything,’


‘Really everyone here loves you’

All the tears that she held over the years finally came out.

‘It’s okay Mary;’ John whispered hugging the crying girl ‘I’ll always be here for you,’

‘Thank you John,’

Broken Mask (Short Verson)Where stories live. Discover now