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‘Hello Mrs Freeman,’ John said as the short blonde entered the room.

‘Mr White,’ Annie said, glaring at him with cold blue eyes ‘your father said you wanted to talk to me.’

‘But of course Mrs Free-’

‘It’s Annie, Mrs Freeman makes me feel old,’ Annie huffed, she was in her fifties and she didn’t want to be remained of it.

‘Hello Mum,’ Maryann whispered ‘it’s good to see you.’  

‘Octavia, what are you doing here,’ Annie said ‘Selfish child.’

‘To talk.’ John said

‘About what?’ Annie asked

‘I don’t know,’ Maryann sighed ‘and my name isn’t Octavia anymore.’

‘What do you mean?’ Annie snapped

‘My name is; Maryann Jones, Octavia Freeman is dead.’

‘You were always the useless child,’ Annie told her, but she was shocked. Octavia neither talked back to her.

‘Maryann isn’t useless,’ John said ‘in fact she’s help many.’

‘Thanks John,’ Maryann said smiling a true smile at him, causing John to go as red as an apple ‘why did you tell everyone I died?’

‘I was trying to save face,’ Annie said ‘Better a dead daughter than a runaway.’

‘Thank you Mum,’ Maryann said

‘What,’ Annie said she was shocked why was her daughter thanking her.

‘It’s because if you that I came to America and made so many friends,’ Maryann smiled ‘and for that I can’t thank you enough, that and now I can live my life without fear.’

‘Of course,’ Annie said ‘you’re welcome and Maryann.’

‘Yes,’ Maryann said

‘Your father has been putting money into your bank account,’ Annie sighed ‘all I have to do is change the name and you can pay your college fees.’  

‘Thanks Mum,’ Maryann whispered

‘Can we start this interview,’ Annie snapped

‘Of course.’ John said

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