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*Have yall ever seen ON MY BLOCK? Let me know if you have please!!!*

Theo's pov

I ran, I ran as fast as I could and I ran into the woods. Away from him, Away from his house, Away from Liam. I was in a clearing with tall grass and small flowers
I walked to the middle and laid down.

~time skip~

I don't know how long I've been here or how long I've been asleep hell, I didn't even know I feel asleep. But all I know is I should open my eyes. Slowly I opened my eyes to see a colorful sky full of oranges, yellows, light blues, and light pinks. I look down a bit and I see Liam staring at me
"Oh uh I ran after you because I wanted sure if you were okay or not and you were scaring me and I didn't mean to make you upset earlier, I just I don't know what to say a lot and I-." I cut him off with a soft kiss and he kissed me back. I don't know why I kissed him but I did, he pulled away.

"We really need to stop doing that." He said chuckling a little and I gave him a small smile, But that's when we heard it a woman laughing, "3..2..1 now!" She yelled and I covered Liam, "Call the pack." I whispered to Liam while covering his body. Gun shots were going off but all I cared for was getting Liam out safe, I was shot in my legs and arms my sides were skimmed a few times. "Well look at you trying to protect your boyfriend... I have to say Theo, it's a little pathetic that you thought you could keep me away forever." She laughed throwing me off of Liam
Kate. I quickly pulled the bullets out of my arms and legs and stood up.

I heard cars closing and leaves crunching far away so I knew the pack wouldn't be to far behind. I ran after her wolfed out
I got a few good hits in. The fight was fast I was able to rip her sides open. But she heals faster not by a lot but she just heals faster. "You brought the pack of people that hated you...you've got to be kidding me." She laughed as she stepped away from me looking at the pack behind me,
"You don't actually think they care about you, do you? because Liam probably doesn't even care about your pathetic ass." She started to walk towards Liam so I kicked her in the face.

"We made a deal you fucking bitch." I growled walking towards the gross woman on the ground, "Hmm at the time you said something about everyone but Liam because you could protect him so if you want me to keep my hands off of him that's a new deal babe." She walked towards me and smirked, "I want you to leave them all alone... ESPECIALLY Liam." I said looking behind me
I saw Stiles and nodded. He knew about the whole deal I made with Kate. He just new a lot, "Fine but we fight for it and if you win I'll leave, if you lose you come with me and I still won't bother them." She said giving me a devilish smile.

She flashes her green eyes and I flash my yellow ones, We run towards each other.
She goes to claw my face but I slide and slash her ankles. I get up and punch her face. I slash her neck but not enough to kill her. I grabbed her hair and yanked her to the ground and she laughed. I knew where this was going she never played fair
"Guys- Liam, I'm sorry... Stiles take care of him." I said turning back around to get wolvesbane blown in my face. I open my eyes only to see me getting dragged away from them, I start to claw at the hand who has me. "That's enough puppy, we made a deal."

Liam's pov

As Theo was getting dragged away, I got this feeling to go and slash that bitches throat. I started to run but Stiles got my chest, "No Liam, let him go." He said sternly but I just shook my head and watched as Theo thrashed agains Kate's hold yelling about how she cheated. It hurt so much to watch him in that much pain and just to feel him getting further and further away from me. "You are-what? W-why would he do that for me now he's gone!!" I yelled feeling tears yell up in my eyes, "HOW COULD WE JUST LET HIM GO?!" I yelled falling to the ground only to be hugged by Stiles.

"He was your mate Liam he would've done anything to keep you safe, so now he's with Kate I'm sorry." Stiles whispered to me, "What the fuck does that even mean?!? You know what I don't even care we need to get him back." I'm so confused
What the hell is a Mate? Why would Theo do anything for me? Where did she take him? Oh god, What is she going to do with him? "I agree with Liam, we have to get Theo back but Liam knowing what a Mate is would be really important." Scott said looking down at me. "I don't care what a Mate is, I just want to get Theo back..right now." I said looking up at Scott.

He nodded, "Okay first we need a plan so we should all go back to mine and help figure out a plan...who's in?" Scott asked and I immediately raised my hand, Everyone else raised their hands and we all got up. I ran to Scott's and I was the first one there. When the others showed up we went in and gathered around the dinner table.

Theo's pov

It's been maybe a few hours without Liam. I don't actually know it's dark down here. She's taken me to the tunnels, We're back in the dread doctors lab. I'm scared because she might try to add more power to me even though I'm already powerful.
I mean a werewolf and a werecoyote is extremely powerful and we heal very fast so what else do I need? I miss Liam.

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