An Explination Must Be Given

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Theo's pov

We drove With the pack all the way to the airport. We hugged each and everyone of the pack members. And watched as the left with a final wave, I turned around to see Liam staring off in the direction they walked in. I walked up to him and wrapped him in my arms and gave him a kiss on the head, "We're gonna be okay, blue... they'll be okay as well." I whispered he nodded so I let him go after a few more seconds. I grabbed his hand and walked off to the my truck, "Are my parents ever gonna come back?" He asked looking at me. "I don't know Liam but if they don't do you wanna sell the house and we could get an apartment? together if you'd like...just you and me." I said looking at him as we sat in my truck.

"If they don't come back after this month is over because, they've been gone since before I let you stay at my place then yeah I'd love to live with you and have it just be us." He smiled at me and I nodded smiling back, I turned on my truck and drove back to Liam's house. Masons car was parked outside and I sighed. I got out walking to the front door my hand in Liam's. He opened the door and we found Corey and Mason eating pizza in the kitchen, "Hey guys." Corey smiled at us I gave Corey a nod. "What's up?" Liam asked probably just as curious as I am.

When we didn't get an answer I raised my eyebrow and Mason laughed a little nervous, "Are we safe now? Like actually?" Mason asked me, "Yeah, I killed her." I said telling the truth since there's no reason to lie, "Show me your eyes." Mason said squinting at me
I scoffed turning my eyes, I heard mason gasp and I am now very confused, "What?" I asked and he shook his head,
"Your eyes flashing made Liam's eyes flash and both of you have a very tiny piece of blue." He said looking amazed,
"What? that doesn't seem right." I said looking at Liam flashing my eyes and Liam's eyes flashed right back.

Mason didn't lie, I pulled out my phone and called Deaton, "Hello?" I heard his voice on the line, "Deaton come to Liam's it's an emergency." I said, I was scared I'm not even gonna try to be the tough guy, "Okay I'll be there in five." He said hanging up, "What's wrong?" Liam's asked looking at me he was scared just like me, "I don't know, that's why I called Deaton. I'm sure everything is fine though nothing to worry about babe." I said letting go of his hand and taking my shirt off, "I'm going to go change into sweatpants I'll be back." I said running upstairs to my room. I quickly changed into black sweatpants and ran back downstairs just in time to hear a knock at the door.

Deaton stood there and gave a quick nod,
I let him in and he looked around puzzled,
"Everyone looks fine." He frowned, "Liam come here." I said watching as Liam stood next to me, "Watch." I said to Deaton flashing my eyes and I know Liam's flashed with mine, "Oh, no issue here. I know what's wrong with the flashing... did you both kill someone recently?" He asked and we both nodded. He closed the door and sat at the table so me and Liam followed sitting in a chair as well, "He killed Kate and I killed her daughter." I said and I saw his surprised expression but it soon went back to the same monotone one.

"How long ago?" He asked, "Liam killed Kate like maybe a little under a week ago and I killed her daughter hours ago." I said he nodded, "So they weren't innocent but inside you still feel some guilt, it will go away when you no longer feel guilty but Theo flash your eyes again." He said looking at me so I flashed them. He nodded, "Liam flash yours." He said a few  seconds later I felt my eyes flash, "So usually when you look at someone and flash their eyes, depending on the place or emotion the other persons eyes flash back in response. However, you aren't looking at each other and your eyes almost flash at the exact same time I had a talk with Theo about mates a while ago." Deaton smiled at me and I nodded, Liam however looked really confused.

"I was mad, but Stiles said something about me being Theo's mate, I didn't want to know what that meant I just wanted to get him back." Liam said shrugging, "Well you both aren't regular mates, you're both very tuned together very connect. Which makes you a stronger mate pair and over time depending on how strong the bond gets you could potentially become true mates but that's extremely rare." Deaton said looking at me then looking at Liam who looked even more confused, "Explain to him what a Mate is and he'll get it and make sure he tells you if he accepts you as a Mate." Deaton said walking towards the door I nodded

"Thanks doc, sorry to bother you with something that's was actually an emergency I was just worried." I said looking at him he nodded, "It's a normal reaction to something that happens to your body when it hasn't happened before." He said walking away giving me a small wave. I wave back and closed the door great now I have to tell Liam what a Mate is and hope to god that he accepts me as a Mate, so that I don't go into rejection and die from heart break. I don't want to go back to hell with my sister, it was terrible and there's no way to save me from it if I actually die.

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