He Kissed...Her?!?

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Theo's pov

There she was again right in front of me and I felt sweaty and hot. I was scared of what she would do, she walked towards me. I started screaming for Liam, this look of anger flashed in her eyes and I started to feel absolutely terrified, "LIAM!!" I yelled hoping he'd come and save me this time, "LIAM!" I yelled again, I started to feel hot tears run down my cheeks he didn't come. "Theo open your eyes." I heard... Liam? My body started to shake and that's when my eyes shot open.
"Shh Theo, it's okay I'm here. I didn't leave you." Liam hugged me and I hugged him back. "Y-You saved me...thank you." I whispered.

"I'm here and I'm never leaving until I die or get kidnapped which I hope I'd be found." Liam smiled at me and I just nodded. Our faces were inches apart and just like that he closed the gap. I heard a small click but I didn't care. The kiss was slow and full of our emotions if only I knew what Liam's were. I couldn't feel them I couldn't make out what this kiss was for him. But I kissed him with so much love, care, and need. Need to protect him and need to be protected.
Need for him to stay. He pulled away and just sat down, "I'm sorry, I wa-." I had to cut him off he might've said something painful.

"It's fine, I'm just gonna go try to shower peacefully." I said trying not to look the slightest bit hurt, "Um what time is it?" I asked not turning around because I could feel my eyes start to well up, "6 we have school so I mean try not to take too long, okay?" He asked softly I just walked away.
I couldn't hold it in as soon as I reached the bathroom the tears fell and I felt the pain. I wish he would stop kissing me and apologizing for it. But he won't because he keeps doing it and he apologizes because he doesn't like me like that. I quickly stripped off my close and turned on the hot water while getting into the shower,
Not to long after the door opened.

"Theo are you okay?" Liam asked I could hear the concern in his voice, "Yeah I'm fine." My voice was a bit raspy since I just woke up but I didn't care, "Listen about the kiss." He trailed off but I didn't want to hear it anymore, "Liam I get it,
you apologized already I know you don't like me like that so don't worry about it." I said grabbing the shampoo not caring about which one I grabbed and I poured some in my hands and started to rub it in my hair. "Okay...wait no, I can't say I'm sorry because I did like it and I do like you but I'm very confused and I need to figure things out... give me time?... is that my shampoo?" Liam started talking and like always he got side tracked but I didn't notice this was his shampoo I rinse out my hair.

"I'll give you time but if you kiss someone else that isn't giving you time and I won't want to cuddle with you anymore we will be strictly friends... and yes because I didn't look if I was grabbing mine." I answer, Liam just hummed in response and I was already scared that he'd kiss someone else. Or someone would kiss him and he wouldn't stop it. Or someone would just kiss him and I would think it was the other way around. I washed my body and got out. I wrapped a towel around my waist I need to start working out more. I'll go after work, After getting my things together Liam walked down the stairs and we both got into my truck.

"My mom texted said that her and my step dad won't be back for another month." He said frowning a bit at his phone, "It's okay they'll come back." I said looking at the road, "When I was little they used to talk about leaving me alone forever though, they'd keep sending money for me to pay bills and stuff but I didn't want them to leave." Liam looked at his hands so I grabbed one of his and laced our fingers together. "If they leave you forever they're horrible people, so you shouldn't think about them too much just be happy for now." I said pulling into the school parking lot.

We got our bags and got out of the truck walking over to the pack, "Why are you guys at school?" I asked looking at the curiously, "So we came to greet you and we ate lunch with you here so we will do that again for every school day until we leave." Scott smiled at me, I just nodded.
We all walked into the school the pack divided and went with Liam, me, mason, and Corey. I got Derek and Issac. Liam got Scott and Malia. Mason got Lydia and Stiles. Corey got Kira and Jackson. I got to my locker and grabbed everything I needed then put my backpack back on and started to walk over to Liam's locker when I see he was slammed against a locker kissing some girl with long black hair.

I stopped walking and turned around
"Theo! Theo wait!" I ignored Liam's calls and walked into my classroom, "So what's going on with You two?" Issac asked looking at me, "Liam told me he liked this morning but said he was still very confused and needs time to figure it out. I told him I'd give him time if he didn't go off and kiss someone else because that's not figuring it out so if he did we'd strictly be friends... regular friends." I said looking at the table. The bell rung and the girl with black hair walked into the classroom.

"Oh shit is that her?" Issac asked looking at the girl who sat next to us. Derek growled.

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