A Time To Train

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{Next day at 6 am}

Liam's pov

"Okay so Liam, Theo is usually the bait for this type of stuff, but we don't have him here...so....shit I've got nothing." Scott looked like he was getting angry already and we just started thinking of a plan. "Okay I'll be the bait this time. I mean you guys said I'm his Mate which I guess is something that's a big deal, so maybe Kate knows about it and she'll want me as well, so we find out where she's taken him and I'll be bait." I said looking at Stiles mostly because he was already trying to figure out where she was. "I've got it I think, but she probably won't be there for long if she smells us, so I'll talk to Deaton about getting something to mask our smells, well for everyone except Liam and I think you guys should think about the plan more, while Liam trains because he might need it." Stiles looked a little worried but he nodded my way then left.

"Okay Lydia, check Stiles computer and see where she is because he forgot to tell us that important piece of information... Liam start training with.." Scott looked around to see someone who would be a  good match but that's when the door opened and a big man came in. Everyone always talked about Derek being a big man but this could be anyone. I shifted and charged. I was pulled back by someone but for some reason I couldn't shift back. "I shave once and now the kid doesn't remember me...I'm Derek, Liam we've met before and I'm a great person to train with...shift back first." Derek gave  a small smile at first but turned serious.

"I can't." was all I said and looked down at the floor, "Of course you can what's your anchor?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "Theo." Was all I could get out without crying but that didn't work anyway because I started crying. "And you want him as bait? He might get killed right away why is he crying over this Theo kid?" Derek was looking at Scott but the door opened again and Derek's gaze automatically shifted toward the door.
"Hey I've go- Oh my god why is Liam crying wha-why can't he shift back? Derek what did you do?" Stiles gave Derek an angry look and walked over to me.

"Nothing, he shifted to attack me when I came in and he said he couldn't shift back. I asked what his anchor was he said Theo and started crying." Derek sighed at the end, "Liam we'll get him back but right now you need to train because if Kate decides to attack you, you have to be fast and slick kinda like Derek so that's why he's here." Stiles said smiling at me I just nodded and we both got up since we were on the floor. "Liam is Theo's Mate, Liam didn't want to know what a Mate meant until he got Theo back, so hopefully that helps fill you in." Stiles looked at Derek who just nodded. Alright I guess it's time to start training...Theo here I come.

Theo's pov

Liam, all I want is Liam. Has bitch has done crazy things to me and I never want to be touched again. Sexual assault isn't funny, I've never sexually assaulted anyone because even I'm not that evil.
She's been experimenting on me she said something about Warlocks and Sparks. The Dread Doctors never used that type of stuff on anyone, they said that everything would turn to chaos and that they didn't want anyone more powerful than the Beast. They said that sometimes the person doesn't survive because of them already being more than one thing.
Liam if I don't make it I love you.

Liam's pov

My sweat and blood are mixing together and it feels weird. I walked up to take a shower while Scott went to get me some clean clothes, everyone said that I might even be faster than Theo, so if I was faster than Theo, I was either just as fast as Kate or I was faster. We successfully made a plan. We found out that they're in the tunnels so we sleep till 2:00 am. I get to sleep an extra 30 minutes since I don't have to mask my smell. But at 2 the pack wakes up fixes themselves then wakes me up we run to the tunnels and I go under first. Hopefully, I'll find Theo and put an end to Kate.

I know Scott said he wants to save everyone but I talked to the pack separately. And we agreed on ending Kate once and for all. I hopped out of the shower wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into Scott's room, where my clothes were laid on his bed. Only those weren't my clothes, the only thing that's mine is the black boxer briefs the black sweatpants and grey tank top were Theo's his scent was all over it. I quickly dried up and put on the clothes I walked downstairs to check the time but I didn't really care. I was extremely tired and just wanted my Theo back, I mean Theo just Theo.

"Hey Liam, you look really tired maybe you should sleep It's five thirty I'll make you food later and wake you up to eat before we leave." Stiles said smiling at me and leading me over to Scott's Couch. I laid down and before I knew it I was asleep.

Stiles' pov

Oh Liam, you have no idea how much you love him, but I can see it and I know I'm not the only one that does see it. Maybe you'll get the memo after we get him back, but please for the sake of my life don't get mad at him for anything. Kate is a great liar who is very violent and evil. That's all I could think of while grilling the chicken that I'm going to put in Liam's Caesar salad wrap.

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