Phone Calls

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Liam's pov

I woke up to a note and a flower on the night stand. I picked up the note and read it, 'Somethings are just worth waiting for, like you. I've gone out to work but I wanted to remind you that you're beautiful and stop by the diner for money because I got paid today.'

I smiled, he's so weird but not and he's just sweet and I love him. I chuckled a little getting out of bed I went into our shower. After I got out of the shower, I pulled on some boxer briefs and grey sweatpants. I went to Theo's closet and grabbed one of his black sweatshirts. I also grabbed a beanie that was khaki colored. I put on a pair of socks and grabbed black vans. And walked over to Nolan's room. I knocked on the door,
"Hey Nol you up?" I asked it was Sunday morning and we'd have school tomorrow. The boy was exhausted he wouldn't be up,
"Yeah d-Liam, I'm up you can come in."
I walked into Nolan's room to find him sitting in bed.

"Theo's at work and I was thinking if you're up for it we could go do some shopping for groceries and little homey things." I said watching as he nodded slowly, "I've gotta change first." He said I nodded and closed the door. I walked downstairs, this is my life right now. I have a Mate... a boyfriend who I love... I'm  pretty sure I'm in love with him and we own a house. And we pretty much have a son. And I honestly wouldn't ask for anything else I love Theo, "Hey, I'm ready." Nolan was walking down the stairs and I had noticed that his shoes were really old.

"Alright let's go." I was walking out the door and I completely forgot that I hadn't made a copy of the house key yet and that I also don't drive. Ugh! I called Theo, "Uh hello?" Some female answered, "Uh who is this." I asked, I was slightly angry so I just walked out the door and started walking towards the diner. Nolan followed, "I'm Jane... who are you?" She asked and I was getting angrier but at least the diner was now in my sight Theo's truck was there. "Liam you have my boyfriends phone so please give it to him." I said trying to sound as nice as possible. "You mean my boyfriend." She said while laughing. I walked in into the diner to see Theo serving a table.

And I looked around to see a girl on the phone "Bye bitch." I said winking in her direction. I watched Theo walk up to us,
"Where's your phone?" I asked, I was still slightly angry if his story didn't add up we'd have some issues. "It should be in my back pocket... babe, did you walk all the way here?" He asked looking confused
"Check your pockets and yes we walked all the way here because I called you to tell you I hadn't made a copy of the key yet and you didn't answer it was her... jane." I pointed at the bitch who answered the phone, "Oh my phone probably fell or something I'll go get it." He said shrugging.

"Theo why did she say you were her boyfriend?" I was getting more than a little angry he was acting like this was no big deal, "I don't know people are weird remember it's only you... only us." He said walking forward. I wasn't sure how to feel about this what if he's lying, He kissed me!! In front of everyone here, oh my god
I quickly pulled away, "What are you doing?!? You're at work!" I was really surprised, He walked over to the table so I listened to his conversation. "Hey there can i have my phone back? Great thanks, listen you caused my boyfriend to walk out of our home with our son and walk all the way over here just to get some reassurance. Please don't mess with my baby again because I'm not so nice the second time it happens thank you ladies enjoy your meal." The said walking back over the girls didn't look angry.

I actually smelt arousal come off of them and wanted to die. "Okay no problem, I've got my phone back. I'll keep it in my front pocket take the card and just take out cash use what you need, okay?" I just nodded at him I felt extremely. Embarrassed because I shouldn't of reacted that way. I felt strong arms wrap around me, "You look really cute in my clothes." He whispered to me, Ugh!! Why'd he gotta be so nice?!?, "Sorry." I felt bad, I'm stupid I need to trust him,
"It's okay babe." He let go of me and nodded he had to go.

"By kiddo stay safe." Theo said ruffling Nolan's hair. We turned around but I remember that I don't have a car. When I felt keys in my pocket. God he always knew what to do, "I haven't driven a car in a while and all so just be careful... we're gonna stop by at home and lock the door first." I said and Nolan nodded getting in the front seat while buckling up. I started the truck and drove off. Once we got to the store we grabbed something things for Christmas and everything else. Then we went home and put everything away,
"Thanks for the help bud." I said looking at Nolan who just nodded. I took a seat on the couch and went on my phone, Instagram.



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The.o.Raeken: do you remember this day? @li.uhm You looked really amazing, as always but you took charge and did something you believed in, even though others told you it wouldn't work! You've made it so far babe and I can't wait to see you continue to go far! Love you!
Likes- 560

Mc.alpha- y'all are so cute I wish I could be there

Li.uhm- I love you too💞❤️ so someone wanna tell me why @The.o.Raeken is more romantic than @li.uhm

Stiles.s.h.- haha I always thought Liam would be the more romantic one I guess it's a surprise Theo is more romantic

Li.uhm- I'm romantic!!! @stiles.s.h.

Nolan.4ever- from what I've seen so far Liam is the least romantic, but the nicer parent and Theo is definitely more romantic, jealous, and protective @stiles.s.h. @li.uhm @the.o.Raeken WHAT PARENT?!? EXPLAIN@the.o.raeken. @li.uhm

The.o.Raeken- oh shit @li.uhm

Li.uhm- oh shit @The.o.Raeken

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