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Loud Music blasting through the speakers, everyone moving to the beats and drunk people making out;this was regular in star night club. The immense black door opened revealing Neil in a pair of denim ripped jeans and long sleeved black shirt. Every single gaze was fixed upon him, especially girls who are always throwing themselves on him. He came in and ordered for some couple of shots of tequila. He sighed and casted a glance in the club looking for a make out girl or someone to satisfy his manly needs. Although the club was full, Neil felt really alone. As he was being tyrannized in his solitude, a cold wind lashed against his soft skin. He raised his eye and damn-it was such a perfect view.

Neil's POV

I felt a sudden current as the door opened. Her bare and long toned legs along with her black stilettos were walking as if they were ready to slay some one. That sapphire dress that barely reached her knees hugged onto her curves perfectly. Her black hair which were always in a bun were now loose and were shimmering like a lake in moonlight. Her milky complexion and her dark red lipstick seemed as if it took the decision to murder some one and not to mention her chocolate eyes which were pools of jeweled water still had the same fire as it had since always; all these were enough to give me goose bumbs. But then her mole under lips would drive you crazy.

"Avni," I whispered in slow motion.  Her beauty always took my senses away; only physical but inner beauty as well. Suddenly I remembered. Does inner beauty includes breaking hearts? I am supposed to hate her but then why am I feeling so attached to her. Do I still.. No! I have no time for love now. My mission is to torture her and seek revenge.(evil grin)

End of POV

Avni was giggling along with her sister and best friend Riya as they proceeded towards the bar. They've already decided; today was the day where they going to be completely wild and waste themselves with the drinks. They ordered a couple of shots and waited while talking about random things. Avni didn't even realise that Neil was standing next to her. It was becoming hard for Neil to control his hormonal sides. She could feel the warmth and the feminine scent of Avni's body upon his skin. Within seconds Avni and Riya were drunk as hell that they couldn't even walk properly. Riya found some random guy and went to dance with him and Avni was left all alone. Little did she know there were a pair of orbs watching her. Avni was enjoying her drink and her time alone when she felt a jolt.

Serious Mature contents ahead if uncomfortable you can skip.

There was some hot breath fanning on her neck. Her eyes widened but she didn't dare to find out who that was as she was enjoying this feeling. There's no need to do a PhD in logic to understand who that person was. Neil bit her neck harshly which made Avni let out a gasp. This time Avni couldn't resist and turned around to see who that person was. Her eyes widened when she saw Neil. Without letting Avni say a word, Neil carried her in bridal style which made Avni even more surprised. They soon reached a private room and they went in. Avni was still in a state of shock and she was highly intoxicated so Neil took advantage of this and kissed her. Avni knew that this was wrong but don't know what went in her head and she found herself kissing Neil back. Their lips moved in perfect sync. All the curves and edges fitted perfectly as if these 2 pair of lips were made for each. No doubt! Neil's hand were on Avni's waist while Avni was playing with the delicate hair of Neil. They broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen and were panting heavily but this didn't stop Neil from continuing. She threw Avni on the king sized bed and got on top of her. He connected his lips with Avni's sensitive neck and soon he found her sweet spot which he took full advantage of. He trailed a path of wet and purple kisses from her neck to her slightly visible cleavage. Quickly he ripped her dress out and threw it on the floor. He smirked when he saw Avni's half naked body.

"That dress looked good on you but I prefer this look better," He said in a husky tone which led Avni to give a naughty smile.

 He removed the bra carefully and started doing his work on Avni's nipples. He gave her a couple of love bites there and licked it in a sexy and slow way. Avni was a moaning mess by now which clearly indicated how much she was enjoying this. This was totally wrong  but at that time everything seemed so right. Neil didn't waste time in removing Avni's damp underwear. She was a bit too wet for him!

He inserted 2 of his fingers inside and started fingering her clit. At first he was going slow but Avni's moans turned him on.

"Ahhhh Neil. This feels so good," Avni moaned.

Avni was tired of this teasing but Neil was enjoying the task of making Avni crave. It was really hot so Neil took off his shirt revealing his defined abs which made Avni's eyes widened.

Avni felt something watery touching her clits and this magic was being done by Neil's tongue. Who could have thought that a tongue could do wonders like this.

"I'm close Neil," Avni managed to whisper.

"Hold it," Neil winked at her before removing his jeans and boxers. Avni knew that he was ready to embrace her so she grabbed the bed sheets and waited while Neil was inserting condoms. Without any warning Neil thrusted his huge manhood inside Avni's tiny hole making her scream. She felt this awakening feeling that turned her on. Neil was taking it slow at first but gradually he increased his speed leaving Avni in  a state of extreme euphoria. She was feeling pain at first but then the pleasure made her forget everything. They were close and soon they reached their climax and exploded. They were panting and sweating their lives out. If only you could see Neil's back; it looked as if a wild cat scratched him. Neil pecked her lips and covered them with the white fluffy duvet. Within seconds they both were in a deep and peaceful slumber.

Finally some actions and romance!
Thanx to all those who are reading and voting.
Keep it up.
Do tell me what you want next.
The next few chapters will be in Goa so do tell me some ideas.
Love you all♡

Falling for the Playboy ~ Avneil story  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now