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Avni: Vidyut

The door opened  revealing a smiling Neil while Avni fumbled and jumped out of fear at Neil's sudden appearance. She tried to hide the photo but she was nervous enough to drag Neil's attention.

Neil: Stop messing around with my stuffs and give my files back.... Neil said ignoring the photo in her hands.

Avni: Sure, I'm not fond of keeping your belongings(rolls her eyes and returns the file to Neil)

Neil: When I said my stuffs, I also meant that picture miss Avni Mehta(attitude tone while pointing to Vidyut's picture)

Avni jumped out of shock and didn't know how to react so she just returned the photo hesitatingly. Neil furrowed his brows at Avni's weird behavior and this was enough to plant a seed of doubt in Neil's mind. He stared at Avni for a while trying to process her bizarre actions and left the room muttering something under his breath.

Neil: I swear I'm gonna destroy you miss Avni Mehta. This trip to Goa will make you regret the decision of betraying me.(to himself)

Avni: I must say your whispering skills aren't that good Mr Neil Khanna.... oops sorry sir

Neil: I'm glad you heard it so that you can be prepared for what's upcoming(an evil smirk on his lips)

Neil left the room and everything became silent except for the closing of doors and Avni talking to herself.

Avni: Why does Neil have a photo of Vidyut and why is it in the police file. Something is fishy here. I must find out.













Meanwhile in Neil's room

Neil:(to himself) Why was Avni so shocked to see me. Why was she hiding Vidyut's photo. D..does she know him. Is there something Avni is hiding from me.

He quickly gulped down the alcohol in his whiskey glass and removed his shirt preparing himself to go to sleep but the knock on the door wasn't really a big fan of that idea. He groaned and went to open the door only to see Avni standing firmly and fiddling with her fingers.

Neil's eyes widened in shock and amazement as he finally noticed the loose hair of Avni and her short night lace dress which was really driving Neil crazy.

Neil: (in mind) Damn she's grown so beautiful and sexy. How did I fail to recognize this beauty from heaven.

Avni: Shit shirtless! Does he really think my self control is made from iron. After all I'm just an innocent poor girl and he's such an irresistible guy.

Neil smirked at how hard Avni was trying hard to control her hormones. 

Avni: (in mind) Focus Avni focus. You have to find out about Vidyut and try to distract him as him on this mission could prove to be dangerous for Neela Maa.

There was an awkward silence before Avni cleared her throats making Neil shrug away all the dirty thought he was having and focusing on his revenge but right now on the beauty in front of him.

Avni: I..I want to ..ask... you a .....q..question(hesitatingly)

Neil: Have you lost it or what. Did you see the fucking time(yawning and clearing his eyes)

Falling for the Playboy ~ Avneil story  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now