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Avni's POV

Voice:So you managed to escape huh

I could feel my blood rushing in my veins upon hearing a voice. I turned around and my eyes gleamed with relief.
Avni: Ali( faint smile)
Seeing Ali in devil's hell was of course a relief for me so I hugged him with a smile but he had the same cold reaction. I wonder why.

Ali: Let's go
Avni: But where.
Before I could get answer,Ali grabbed my hand and took me deeper in the house. Not knowing where I was going,all I could do was to trust Ali.
Ali: vidyut, here is Avni. You asked for her
Ali said and my ears refused to believe what he said. Vidyut smirked at me and I knew I was in trouble.
Vidtut: so miss Avni surprised to see Ali working for me huh? Well don't be , there are many things you don't know(smirks) He was the one to help me kidnap your Neela maa

Shocked was just an understatement,I was clearly perplexed and I could feel the blood rush in my veins. Ali,my best friend! How could he do that to me. At first I refused to listen to Vidyut because who knows he might be plying another dirty trick but swing Ali's eyes filled with guilt,a lone tear escaped my eye. Why did he do that.
Vidyut: oh don't put so much pressure on your lame brain. You think i loved you, heck nah. I only wanted revenge from you and that Neil. Well your love was killed but you were spared because of this Ali. He pleaded me to spare your life because he loves you.

My eyes widened at this. Oh my fucking God! Why is my life such a drama.
Ali loves me but Vidyut doesn't but he made me believe that he loves and he kidnapped my mom just to blackmail me. But if he didn't love me why did he had to kidnap my mom and blackmail me and why Ali did all this. So fucking complicated!
Vidyut: Well I'm gonna answer your questions. I kidnapped your mother because I wanted to torture you and your Neil. I even succeeded but his Ali said that he loves you and hates Neil that's why I spared you.

This was surely a nightmare,please wake up Avni. I even pinched myself but no nothing was a nightmare. All was real and this was the least thing I wanted to know. My face was a tear mess but I can't blame my poor eyes. Things that Vidyut just said only cause my eyes to fill with water and salt. I was used to pain and deceit!

Vidyut:But not anymore. At first I thought why Ali kept on saying to spare you but now I know. You are so beautiful and strong. Sorry Ali bro! Guards take her to the room and get her ready. I'm gonna marry her.

Ali's eyes widened with shock and I was almost sure my heart stopped beating. What the actual fuck!
Ali:vidyut the deal was Neil's life and you will let me have Avni.

Vidyut: Ali you are so innocent. I always said to never trust. Guards make him as a prisoner and get Avni ready!

A/n:here I am after tuition writing this. I finally got some time but I have another tuition plus 2 assignments to complete. Fucking annoying.
So many of you guessed that it was all with Vidyut but oh no Vidyut just betrayed ali
What do you think will happen
Will Avni get married to Vidyut.
I'll probably update in a few days or tomorrow if I have time.
Do drop your thoughts in the comment section and do not forget to vote

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