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Avni's POV

A spasm of nervousness struck me when I entered the suite wearing a long red dress with thick black heels. I adjusted my outfit and raised my gaze only to find myself surrounded with obscurity.
Not being able to see  anything, I yelled only to find no response.
"Neil, Neil are you here?"
I felt a lump forming on my throat which made me swallowed hard.
Suddenly the lights came on and i was immediately showered with aromatic petals of red roses,my favourite.
I stared in awe at the beautifully decorated room with crimson veils and orchid flowers all smelling nice.
I wondered what could have been the reason for such surprise but the beauty of how the room was ornated just left me spell bounded.
There was a brown bed covered with flower petals, a huge chandelier made up of quartz crystals giving the room a different kind of positive auror

I felt a wet kiss on my cheeks which gave birth to butterflies in my stomach. I turned around only to find my boyfriend standing behind me holding a box. He was wearing a black tuxedo smelling all good; his brown hair were perfectly fixed.
The pendulum on the right of the bed stroke 12 and finally Neil said something.
" Happy birthday my lady don,"he said.
I was by now a teary mess. Tears of happiness, it was sheer bliss.
" You remembered,"i smiled and engulfed him in a tight hug.
He caressed my hair " Well I forgot but Neela maa reminded me," he teased which made me punch him in a jokingly way.
"Ouch that hurts,"he fake pouted.
I chuckled at his childishness.
"Let's go in, im hungry,"he said while closing the door.

"Wow you were seriously hungry," I said to Neil who was busy hogging on his spaghetti.
We ordered some spaghetti with meatballs and wine in order to satisfy our hunger.
" My dear girlfriend, dont be jealous but i love food more than you," he said with a serious face.
"In that case, our feelings our mutual," i chuckled.
" Damn Avni,it's been really long since we smiled like this,"
" I know right,"
" Avni I have something," Neil said.

"What is it?"

" Avni I am truly sorry for not trusting you before and having to endangered your life only to finish the chapter of Vidyut," Neil said with tears forming on his eyes.

I gently slipped my hand onto his and caressed it softly. There was a soft breeze lashing from the balcony which was gently lashing against my skin.

" Neil water is under bridge. I know you regret but what matters now is that we are both together and happy," I said which made him smile. " It's my birthday right?" I asked

" Yeah that's why we are here, to celebrate it,"

" So can I ask for a gift?"

" Sure Avni, yeh bhi koi puchne ki baat hai,"

" Neil promise me that no matter what, we'll always be together and will always share our secrets and problems," 

Neil's behavior changed a little bit which surprised me a little bit. He was a bit nervous.

" Of course Avni. This is the best gift that you could receive," he smiled. " Now let's cut the cake,"

In front of me was now a giant chocolate cake with strawberries and whipped cream as toppings.

I cut the cake while Neil sang 'happy birthday' in his over dramatic voice making laugh.

After playing and feeding each other the extremely delicious cake we now sat comfortably on the bed and were enjoying the sepulchral silence of the room.

Suddenly i found Neil dangerously close to me.

I could see an amazing mixed feeling in his hazel orbs.

" You know you are kind," he said in a husky voice.
" And im hot as well," I winked at him.
" Yeah and your hotness is doing tremendous of things to me,"
" Show me what it is doing to you," I flirted to him and he smirked.
Within seconds,he hovered upon me like a hungry beast making me feel so good in the stomach. My lower region was burning with desires.
He slowly suck my earlob and whispered sexily.
" What am about to do will make you regret everything you said,"
" Oh i so wanna regret then," I said as seducingly as i could. Neil was seduced,bull's eyes

He had now ripped me out of my dress and was eyeing me with lust.
Without hesitation,he burried his face in the nape of my neck and left a trail of wet kisses.
My breath laboured as i felt his warm breath. Not wasting time he took out a protection and inserted his length in my hot core. I immediately felt a trembling feeling. My hands became sweaty as he fastened his pace. Moans were now my best friend. Pleasure overtook every feelings I had at that moment. We both reached our climax and he fell beside me.
We were panting heavily but the smile from our face never got lost.

Neil was tired as hell so he laid beside me slept like a baby. I switched off the lights and covered us with the comfy duvet.

I hope our all night will end like this.

A/N: I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy for being soooooo late. It was all school and stuff like that but I'll try my best to update regularly or at least one time per week.

Drop your thoughts in the comment section and dont forget to vote.

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