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Morning sunrays are usually beautiful but in this case it acted as an annoyance for disturbing the peaceful sleep of Avni. She squeezed her already closed eyes and whined before finally waking up. She rolled her eyes to explore the unfamiliar room and got up with a shock. Her eyes widened as she saw her naked body and her dress lying on the floor. Her head was exploding with a terrible headache due to the excess of the alcohol she drank the last night. After remembering all the incidents of the previous night she started searching for Neil desperately. Avni couldn't digest the fact that Neil was looking for one night stand with her. Her fair complexion became red and her chocolate eyes were beyond bloodshot. 

Avni: Neil you did wrong Neil. You shouldn't have played with my feelings like that( angry)

She took all her stuffs and left the club with the feelings of destroying everything. She got in the taxi and cried her heart out.

Avni:(In mind) How could you do this Neil. I thought you would have understood me but you failed. You only wanted revenge.(crying)

She reached home and as soon as she opened the door she got welcomed by a puzzled Riya.

Riya: Di what happened? Where did you disappear last night?(confused and worried)

Avni came in and told her everything that had happened. Seeing Riya getting red with anger, Avni told her that she was fine and needed to rest. Riya didn't bother to reply and went out while Avni went in her bedroom and threw herself on the bed and fell asleep immediately. The poor girl couldn't take it anymore. Her life was a mess; she lost her love, family and dear ones but still she is brave and strong.

Neil's POV

Finally! This one night stand, I'm sure it will destroy Avni mentally. This is just a trailer of the pain you caused to me.(pins his hands firmly on the desk)

End of Pov

It was 1 pm and Avni got up realizing that she has to report to duty at 2 pm. She quickly brushed her teeth and took a bath. She was still sad and angry so she decided to wear just a high waisted jean and an oversized hoodie. Girl's special thing! As she was entering to the lift to take a taxi Vidyut appeared in front of her,

Vidyut: Hey darling where you going in such a hurry(smirks)

Avni stood still and carefully ignored Vidyut which made him pissed off.

Vidyut: Come let me drop you. I know you're going to work and that too the same place where Neil works.

Avni's eyes widened at Vidyut's statement.

Avni:(in mind) How the fuck did he know about this. I better listen to him before he does anything crazy again.

Vidyut: Now come on. let's go I'll drop you.

Avni being helpless, just nodded and went after him.

*Police station

Vidyut held Avni's delicate hand and whispered something in her ear and of course Avni wasn't enjoying this but she had no other choice. Vidyut was staring her like a puppy while Avni was waiting for him to go so that she could go in. All this was being captured by Neil who was fuming in anger. After Vidyut went away, Avni came in and the first thing she did was to visit Neil. She had to let him know what he did.

Avni: Wah Mr Neil Khanna wah!(opens the door and makes an angry eye contact with Neil) What a nice way to satisfy yourself and seek your revenge.(Neil smirked)


Here it ends. Drop your views and thoughts. I'm sorry for ending this like this but I promise the next chapter will be longer and interesting.

I know it's confusing when it comes to Vidyut and Avneil's past but all these will be revealed in the next few chapters.

I have many ideas for this story but don't know how to put in words. Dont worry the next chapter will be up soon.

You may also suggest some ideas to me meanwhile keep reading and voting.

love Mansi

Falling for the Playboy ~ Avneil story  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now