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Avni's Pov

Yess this is one of the cutest thing happening in my life. Waking up next to Neil and having his muscular arms around my waist is obviously cute. His pout on his lips made me wanna kiss him so badly but I somehow killed the urge. I tried to free myself but got more entangled in his warmth. I smiled as he tightened his grip on me. Oh god I'm one of your lucky human!
I must have done some great deeds in my last birth that I have been blessed with a boyfriend like Neil.
Neil: So you are already up( while yawning)
Avni: Yes but I didn't wanna leave your warmth
Neil: Aww well many girls have said this (chuckles)
I punched his face in a joking manner while he laughed and engulfed me in his protective arms.
Can't we stay like this forever!

After freshening up, Neil decided to have breakfast outside so we left the house and went to a nearby Cafe.

Once we reached there, we placed our order and waited.
Neil: Avni I know this isn't the right time but do you have the intention to marry me( a bit serious)
Avni: Why are you asking me this right now (confused)
Neil: Just say it na
Avni: Ok,yeah maybe
Neil: Ok I just wanted to know this. So how about executing our plan
Avni: Sure Neil but I'm a bit nervous
Neil: Don't worry you are a strong girl. Remember Neela maa is your priority.
Avni:Yes you are right

We finished our breakfast and got in the car and all these while I was thinking about our plan. What something goes wrong. But I trust Neil so it's going to be fine. My half thoughts were focused on vidyut while the other half was focused on Neil. Why did he ask me that question. He's been acting a bit weird these days. Maybe he is worried about me and our future.

Suddenly the car came to a halt with a screeching sound and what I saw left me jaw dropped.
Avni:Neil why is this car in the middle of the road.
Neil: I don't know. Maybe it met with an accident. Let me go and check.
Avni: No Neil it can be dangerous and the road as well is deserted.
Neil: I understand Avni but there might be someone stuck inside. I think we should go and help them.
Avni: Ok if you say so.

We got down and walked towards the abandoned car while I could hear my heartbeats which were louder than ever. Why was I so scared?
As we approached the car, Neil checked it and was surprise to not find its owner.


My eyes widened in shock and fear as I turned around. Suddenly we were surrounded by some 10 to 15 goons all wearing a black outfit and masks.
They hit Neil's head with an iron rod and this part was obviously shocking for me.
Avni: Neilllll (screams) Neil wake up. Please don't faint.

With all the strength and courage,Neil got up and started beating the hell out of those goons. They tried to attack me but I was black belt in karate so they got a good amount of smashing.
All of them were almost defeated but suddenly a car pulled up and a man dressed properly in a red wine tuxedo got down holding something in his hand.
Out of the blues, he took out a shiny gun and pressed the trigger. The bullet hit Neil's chest with lightening quick speed and it was at that time that my whole world became upside down.

A/n: hey guys I'm back. Ok I know this was something you weren't expecting but trust me I wasn't motivated enough to write this. I guess you know who shot Neil. Is this the end of Neil? Well maybe! Nah this isn't the twist I was talking about . The big one is yet to come. Do not forget to drop your comments and votes

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