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Author's POV

The bullet hit Neil's chest with lightening quick speed and it was at that time that Avni's whole life turned upside down. She cried so loud that even birds flew from the nearby tree. Her voice reflected so much pain and agony that even the goons looked perplexed.
Neil was now on the ground covered in a red thick liquid. His eyes were motionless and it didn't have the same glow as usual. His face turned paler and there were purple veins visible. Avni tried to run and reach Neil but she was unfortunately caught by the goons who had pity in there eyes for Avni.
Her eyes were full of hot tears and her cheeks were swollen and red. She was shouting and trying to free herself but in vain.
The same man who shot Neil spoke and Avni stopped struggling.
Man:oh come on Avni stop this drama now. Neil is dead.
These words were like a knife being stabbed in her heart.
Avni: vidyut what do you want and why did you do this ( angry)
Vidyut: Relax Avni I have more surprises for you. This was just a sample.
Avni: you bastard! Tell me why did you do this
Vidyut: No body dares to question me and especially a girl. I told you to stay away from Neil but you didn't listen to me so here is the consequence.
Avni:I'm not gonna spare you for this.

Avni was going to attack Vidyut when her mouth was suddenly covered by a strong but yet familiar voice and she felt a sharp pain in her neck. She has been injected a good dose of chloroform.

Man: What do we do with Neil now
Vidyut: Dispose his body. Finally Neil khanna is dead. My revenge is complete. Take Avni and bring her to my mansion
Man: But why you wanted revenge with Neil then why Avni now. Remember our deal. If Neil is dead then you'll give me Neela and Avni back
Vidyut: You shouldn't have trusted me( smirks) Avni also has to pay for what she's done to me.
Man:What you double crossed (shocked) You cheat
Vidyut: (to his goons) Bring Avni and his so called lover to my mansion and make sure to dispose Neil's body.

Vidyut gave one last dirty look to Neil and went back in his car. The goons did as they were told and they threw Neil's body from a cliff. The splash of water gave relief to the goons and they were reassured that Neil was now in the lake.

Avni's Pov

I woke up with my head blasting with a bad headache but my eyes couldn't see anything clearly. I was imprisoned in a dark room and in an unknown place. I tried to recall what happened and then I remembered how Vidyut's man gave Neil a torturous death. The tears from my eyes weren't stopping. Neil! No you can't be dead. We had to seek revenge from vidyut for challenging our love then how can you be dead.
I cried and cried for hours but stopped when something struck my mind. Who was the person who made me unconscious and why was he so familiar.
I can't cry and be weak right now. I have to avenge Neil's death and show these bastards that anyone who challenges live is bound to lose.
First I have to escape from this room and try to find Neela maa. I'm sure that she is somewhere around here and I guess I know where I am.
I tried to find a way out and I was lucky to find a small window which probably lead to somewhere less creepy.

I opened the window trying to make noise and sneaked in. I reached for a place which normal human beings calls a living room and I realised that this is Vidyut's farmhouse. He locked me in a basement.
That bastard!

I was constantly thinking about Neil that's why I was being strong but on the inside I'm completely broken. There is no Avni without Neil.

Voice: So you managed to escape.
A familiar voice said and I turned around to find him standing behind me

A/n: Brace yourself! Tons of twist are coming in the next chapters

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