《 5 》disapointment

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" never apologized for how much love you have to give but feel sorry for those who don't want any of it. "
                Just Tupac

" If anyone objects, please speak now or forever hold your peace. "

Those are the first words I hear as I march into the cathedral

" I do "

I say loudly and confidently walking in the cathedral ...I can't really get a clear view of the bride. but I do notice her long silky black hair. I walk closer Only to find two different people getting married. I look over at my aunt who's already looking at me and  whispering

" what the ... "

I don't know what to say or what to do. With everyone's face on me, I can't but feel embarrassed.

"  I do not think that you should ask such questions priest. My grandmother said it's bad luck. "

I say panickly and my hands won't stop trembling.  I walk slowly to where my aunt is sitted. She gives a disappointing type of look. I just look out the window and say to myself

"All high hope to find Uthando are shattered. "

As we all stand and the couple is being blessed, I pray for Uthando where ever she may be. At this point, there's not much left to do than sleep. I slowly get up and walk out. I know it was really rude, but in times like these, I'm allowed to do anything. I walk out the golden arch framed door, with my hands in the soft material pants I'm wearing. I dressed as if I were the one getting married so that if I found her in the cathedral I'd propose, and right there we'd be married.

As I walk past boutiques, I hear them say that I'm a runaway groom. At the moment I  really don't care,  I have better things to worry about. I walk past them with my head held high. I  try to force a smile on my face but I can feel that it doesn't look sincere.

Right now still following my legs, which begin weakening, I don't know where to go or what to do.


I find myself in the bar, having already finished drinking three bottles of beer. Is this what happens when one has stress, or when you need your true love by your side but you realize we can't always have what we want. All this drinking has made me need Lu. I walk over there , but as I thought nothing is for free in this country . I pay what I have to and enter the Lu . its actually really fancy, with mirrors, soap, machine to dry your hands and there are doors in front of the bathrooms, unlike other places I've been too.  I wait in front of one of the bathrooms, someone else finishes and I rush over to use the Lu and  I bump into that person. We just stand there looking at each other and I realize, wait a minute his face looks really familiar but I'm just not sure where I've seen it. Before I enter the bathroom I  remember he's...

He's MIKE, I rush out quickly to find him but its too late. He's gone!

" Excuse me, do you by any chance know the man who was here? "

I ask the cashier who just looks really confessed

" He wore a royal blue suit and black jeans? With a mohawk fade hairstyle? "

" Oh, that's mee boss, very respected man. Saying his name could get me fired. But I can say he's really rich with the best looking female in town if I must say so myself. "  

After his last phrase, my heart skips a beat, but instead of worrying I instead laugh at his accent; which is really funny : )

" Are they married? "

I curiously ask

" No, sir! But they are to be married in a short time. Now if you don't mind I really must get back to work. This job is all I have. NEXT! "

He says in his British gay type of accent and carries on working. I've got a lot to ask but I'm must know on one thing

" Is his name Mike? "

Secretly he nods yes.

" And her name is Uthando? "

" Sir if you don't mind I'm really busy but I think that is thee madams name. Quit funny don't you think. "

and he laughs. 

looking at the door, I feel a little relieved, but sad at the same time. Did she leave me because he has money, how cruel of her? I thought she was different. I guess MONEY  DOES  REALLY CHANGE PEOPLE!

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