Part 6 《 10 》faithfulness

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Who would have thought, that performing surgeries around the world, could turn a one-room house into a mansion?
But even with all that money, no one can buy true happiness . I haven't seen Uthando in the past four years .

Oh how I miss her flawless dark skin , her full pink lips , and all her features that made her complete. Her voice which sounds divine as every word leaves her mouth . Her long curly hair that flows all the way to her waist . Although she may not be here , I can still sense her breath taking smell . Every moment I crave her touch . Oh my dearest love , how I long for you !
Through out the city I eternally search for your face .

" Sir , you won't believe , who I saw on TV . "
Skyler says bashing into my office . And finds me half asleep .

" who ? "
I say , looking really annoyed .

" I saw , her ! "

" who's her ? "

" Her ! "

" Just tell me ! "

" Uthando , I saw her on the local news . She's back . "

" you , lie ! Do you remember where she was ? "
I ask , as I jump up from my chair and hug him .

" it was at the news station I think . Best part is it was all live so she must still be there . "

Without even thinking twice I grab my coat and I rush to my car . I'm so happy that I shout on my way there . Skyler is just looking at me like I'm an idiot .
Before we enter my body and heart tells me yes but my mind tells me otherwise ...

" Are we going in or what ? "
Skyler  ask me . I really don't know , but I hear myself say .

" No , what's the point she'll never take me back . What if she's even forgotten about me . "

I turn around and I'm headed straight for my car , but before I can go further I hear paparazzi's say :

" Madam Uthando , do you and Michele plan to get married anytime soon ? "

Just by hearing that , I know for sure she's moved on . Skyler is already waiting for me so I speed walk to the car , but I bump in to her . We just stand there and look at each other . Though she's famous , she doesn't have any make-up on . Her face still shines the same way it did on the day we first saw each other . Her clothing is still simple but stylish . I hope her heart too didn't change .

Ever since that day I haven't been able to function properly. It turns out she's every where I go . I googled her and it turns out she's still as sweet as ever . She is a Motivational speaker . And was voted twice as most influential person .

" Logan , I got us two tickets to the talk show  this evening! "
Skyler  says , as he enters my office . He sits on the spare chair and hears me say :

" I'm not going . "

" oh yes you are . "

" No , I'm not going anywhere . "
I say really annoyed and Angry , because I know Uthando will be there. 

" Do you know how long it took me to get those tickets , I woke up before Sun rise and I was the first one on the Que , which means I got us VIP sits . Therefore you are going ! "
He says and then takes a deep breath .
I really do want to go but my ego doesn't want me to go.

" No I'm not . "

" I'm not taking no for an answer , besides this is not a matter of decision, I'm not asking you , I'm telling you . I'll meet you here at  7 pm Sharp . "
He says and walks out in a sassy way .

Did I ever mention , that Skyler is gay and he's name is actually Oliver .

I also didn't believe him at first  or should i say HER !


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