The New Recruit

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It's only been two weeks that Connor's been working the solo shift and somehow he's been able to summon an evil entity into the store.
For the first week no one really noticed. Sure, there was always the random thing moving around every now and then, the noticeable loss of raw beef, and the random spurts of paprika. But, everyone just agreed it was probably just Derek being Derek again. But, the knowledge that Connor had done this was eating away at him. Everyday he'd get to work and think about how he was the only person to see or hear the Taco Devil, unless someone somehow accidentally snorted paprika. This idea was gnawing away at his good conscience and he wasn't sure if he could take it anymore. So, he did what any rational human being would do. He called a meeting.

"Connor, dudeski, why did you call us all here?" Spencer said.

"Because... I have a secret I've been keeping from all of you." Connor sighed, not sure of how he would going to tell all his coworkers, including his manager, that only on the second day of having the solo shift he had summoned a demon into the store. Sounded pretty bad if you asked Connor.

"Guys... I summoned the Taco Devil."

"The feckin' wot now?" Spencer said in a mixture of confusion and shock.

"The Taco Devil. It's this special demon from Hell. I was able to summon it since we call this place Taco Hell." Connor paused to gage the reaction of his audience. They were all looking at him like he'd just spontaneously turned into an eggplant. ;;;)))

"Well, then. Where is this Taco Devil?" Bryan questioned, "Right there." Connor had pointed behind Spencer, making everyone turn around. "What, where?"

"Oh, right! You guys have to snort paprika to see him!"

"Connor, buddy. You sure you're not just on drugs. There's people who can help you with that kinda stuff."

"No Derek, I'm not on drugs!" Connor let out a frustrated sigh. Here he was confessing to the people closest to him about his sins and all they thought was that he was on drugs. "Just here." Connor tossed a bottle of paprika unto the table. Spencer was the first one to follow Connor's orders. He spread the paprika on the table and formed it into a small line, about the size of a caterpillar. Then he looked at what he'd done and went to town on that sucker. He snorted it down and did a dramatic flip up and shouted "WOOOO!" Slamming his fists down on the table. Spencer looked up and he saw it. The creature's towering height, its sharp row of iceberg lettuce teeth, and finally its all-mighty taco crown all materialized before him. "Woah broski, I think there's something right there..." The Taco Devil did nothing but stand in front of Spencer, not wanting to shock him too bad. I mean, it's not everyday that you get to see a real life Taco Devil right in your presence.

"Can I ask it questions?" Spencer said. "Uh, sure."

"Where did you come from?" The Taco Devil opened its mouth to speak and revealed it's tomato tongue. "From the depths of Hell only few know." Spencer stared in awe.

"And what are you here?"

"Because this little dude right here summoned me." The Taco Devil said while rested his arm unto Connor.
The other workers had no idea what was going on but they weren't gonna stay there and witness what was probably just on of Spencer's pranks. They all stood up and went where they needed to go while Spencer stayed fixed on the Taco Devil.

"Connor, listen bro. I want to be a good manager and I can't have this dude here. Even if he's the coolest thing I've ever see!"

"Awe, thanks man. But, the problem is that you can't remove me." The Taco Devil said.

"What? Why not?"

"It's complicated. Just trust me on this."

"Y'know I'm going against every life lesson my manski mind has learned by trusting an actual demon from Hell itself, but I'll let it slide just this once." Spencer thought for a second on what to do and then turned to Connor. "Connor, my broski, I think we both know what I'm gonna say." Connor sighed and knew this day had come. He removed his Taco Hell hat and started undo his apron. "Well, it was nice knowing everyone."

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