Bonus: Mario's demon?

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Meggy: Oh. Well, I better get a cure of this thing soon. Just as long as Mario doesn't get mad. (sees Mario outside)

Mario: THEY'RE OUT OF SPAGHETTI! (turns into demon)

Meggy: Mario! I must find that cure quick before he kills someone. (looks up how to defeat ink demon) I know how to get rid of the demon.
(puts demon Mario in a very secure box; takes it to Joey Drew Studios)
Okay, Mario. You'll be back to your normal self soon. (brings out film reel saying "The End")

Mario (ink demon): (gets taken out of the box and strapped to a chair; screams in agony while watching the reel; demon gets defeated)

Meggy: Mario? Are you alright?

Mario: m... m-m... Meggy?

Meggy: (hugs Mario) I'm so glad you're back. You were taken over by an ink demon. It got defeated for good.

Mario: Well, you saved me, Meggy. That's what matters. Thank you.

Mario and Meggy: (kiss each other)

Meggy: Come on, Mario. Let's go home.

Mario: Okie-dokie.

(both go home)

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