Question 140

419 4 3

Meggy: So that's why Inkopolis was empty today. And I guess I didn't get caught because I was at the party last night. Hey Mario. We got another one.

Mario: Another one to kill with the Blade of Decimation, I see.

Meggy: Her name is Dark Squid, and she has taken over Inkopolis.

Mario: Well, we gotta stop her.

(They ran outside to the empty city, trying to find Dark Squid, who was actually on top of a roof trying to snipe Meggy with a Splat Charger. Her target was on sight, and she splatted Meggy, leaving her Blade of Decimation behind)

Mario: Meggy? Where are you? (sees her Blade of Decimation) Oh god! Meggy has been kidnapped! (grabs the blade) I'll save you, Meggy. No matter what it takes.

Meggy: (respawned in the respawn point, which was moved to a prison surrounded by dark Inklings and Octolings) Where am I?

Dark Inkling: You're in your new home, where you belong.

Dark Octoling: Now get to your jail cell.

Meggy: (looks in her pockets)

Meggy (thoughts): Where is the Blade of Decimation? I hope Mario brings it along when she saves me.

(Meggy was taken to her jail cell, where she was met with a couple familiar faces)

Desti: Hey.

Meggy: They got you too, huh?

Desti: I think it isn't fair. There should only be two forces. Why does a third one have to kidnap us all?

???: Well, be grateful that this prison isn't maximum security.

Meggy: You kinda look familiar.

???: Meggy? It's me. Alex Spider.

Meggy: I met you before, but that was before I met Mario.

Alex: I kinda heard of him before.

Meggy: Yeah. He's my boyfriend.

Alex (thoughts): Boyfriend?! Well, I have other Inkling girls that are friends with me, so maybe one of them can be my girlfriend.

Alex: Well, is Mario gonna save us all?

Meggy: I hope so.

(Mario accidentally found the prison, where everyone in Inkopolis is being held hostage, as he goes to the front door, Blade of Decimation in hand)

Mario: Do you want to play a game?

Dark Inkling: Who are you supposed to be?

Mario: It's a-me, Mario, f*cker. Now the game I'm offering for you to play is called "Free everyone or else Mario's gonna slice your head off".

Dark Inkling: Ha. You don't have the gu...

Mario: (slices the Dark Inkling's head off with the powerful Blade of Decimation)

Dark Octoling: Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope SO much nope. (pushes the alarm button)

Mario: (hums while killing every Dark Inkling and Octoling with the Blade of Decimation, as he pushes the button that opens every cell door)

Meggy: We're being let go?

Alex: Finally. I've had enough of being trapped in a prison cell. (runs out with everyone else to see Mario in the middle of many dead corpses of Dark Inklings and Octolings)

Meggy: Mario!

Mario: (looks over to Meggy, as they run to each other and hug) We did it. Everyone is saved. Oh, and you're gonna need this back. (gives Meggy the Blade of Decimation)

Meggy: Thanks.

Mario: Now come on, everyone. Let's get out of here.

(Everyone ran out of the prison, only to be stopped by Dark Squid)

Dark Squid: Where do you think you all are going?

Mario: We're all freed after I killed your entire army.

Meggy: That's right.

Dark Squid: What?! You... killed my entire army?

Meggy: And the only thing left to kill is you. (slices Dark Squid in half)

Dark Squid: You think... a measly sword... can stop me?

Meggy: I just sliced you in half. What are you...

Dark Squid: (disappears along with her entire army, as they all reappear a second later) With my newfound powers, no one can stop me.

Meggy: What?! (runs up to Dark Squid and tries to cut her again, but it doesn't work) Why won't you die?!

Dark Squid: I have supernatural abilities, which makes me immune to dying in normal ways.

Meggy: How is that possible?

Dark Squid: Oh, and remember those other two evil Inklings that you "killed"?

Meggy: Yeah? What about Zelus and Orange Angel?

Dark Squid: They're still alive, and we're forming a team whose sole purpose is to take you down.

Mario: (runs up to Meggy) Nobody is gonna take my girlfriend away. You hear me? Nobody!

Dark Squid: Well, we're not gonna strike you yet. Even villains have to celebrate Christmas too.

Meggy: So when?

Dark Squid: When you least expect it. (disappears along with her entire army)

Mario: Meggy. No matter what happens with those villains, I will always protect you.

Meggy: Thank you, Mario. (giggles)

(They, along with everyone else, returned to Inkopolis, hoping that they aren't gonna be invaded again)

Ask Meggy Anything! (Questions 1-189)Where stories live. Discover now