Bonus: Meggy's therapy

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Meggy: He's here.

(the therapist arrives at the house and knocks at the door)

Meggy: Come in.

Therapist: (is about to walk in the door but is stopped by Mario)

Mario: Hey, you!

Therapist: What the?!

Mario: (punches therapist and steals his clothes, disguising as the therapist) It's-a Mario time! (opens and walks through the door)

Meggy: (doesn't notice that the therapist is Mario) Thank you for coming. I need help after what I witnessed.

Mario: Well, m'am, I am your therapist and I'm here to help you out. (takes a seat beside Meggy, who was laying on the couch) Now tell me. What exactly caused you to regret everything?

Meggy: Well, I was trying to help a friend out. He was very depressed and my friends and I were trying to cheer him up. We had tried everything we could, but he was still very sad. He was almost hopeless, but I got an idea that I instantly regretted. Well, my friend is into... odd stuff, and the place I took him to cheer him up... is a maid cafe. He was happy again when I took him there, but it was a horrifying sight for me. I didn't want to be a part of it. It was like being stuck in a scary room. And so the only way to help me forget all of that is a therapist like you. I get nightmares of that every night ever since. Please. I just need some help.

Mario (thoughts): Oh crap. What does a therapist say after hearing all of that? I gotta do this for my girlfriend.

Mario: Okay. Here's what you should do. Try and forget all about your friend's very odd interests. Go out for a walk. Take part in a sport. Do something that will calm yourself down. Maybe hang out with your other... (remembers that his other friends have weird interests as well) On second thought, maybe don't hang out with your other friends. They might have other interests that aren't normal. Hang out with your more normal friends, actually.

Meggy: My home has Splatfests to which I participate in, and some of my friends are normal. I do have a boyfriend and maybe hanging out with him will take my mind off... that.

Mario (thoughts): Jackpot!

Mario: Good choice. Now before I go, I have a surprise for you... (takes off disguise) ...Meggy.

Meggy (thoughts): What? Did my therapist just turn into Mario or... wait... he disguised as my therapist and tries to help me out? I should be angry, but he told me the advice to forget about what I witnessed. He helped me just like a real therapist did.

Meggy: Mario? You posed as the therapist and gave me advice? You did that for me?

Mario: I think that your closest friend should give you advice and not some other random person.

Meggy: (hugs Mario) Thank you.

Mario: No problem! That horrible memory will be gone soon. Maybe time with your boyfriend will help you forget that.

Meggy: Does a date sound good?

Mario: Okie-dokie!

(they went out the house and went on a date, with Meggy starting on making sure the maid cafe scene never happened)

Ask Meggy Anything! (Questions 1-189)Where stories live. Discover now