Celebration Continuation

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(castle door knocks)

SMG4: Who is it? It better not be you, Bob. We still hate you for what you did to Fishy.

(SMG4 opened the door and sees a huge box as everyone else goes outside to see the box. There was a sign on it saying "gifts for all of you. Congratulations Meggy". SMG4 opened the box as 3 tiny versions of DBCS bosses came out and went to Meggy, Tari, and Saiko)

Meggy: Violent Ruler?

Tari: Phantom Castle?

Saiko: Iron Fossil?

Meggy: That guy gave us tiny pet versions of our favourite bosses from DariusBurst?

Tari: I love it!

Saiko (thoughts): Aw man. Treating this thing is gonna be difficult.

SMG4: There's more gifts in there.

(Everyone looked in the box to see what they got)

Saiko: (grabs the Golden Thunderstrike Hammer) A new hammer, and it's golden. I love this.

Tari: (grabs the golden controller) A golden controller? I always wanted one of those! I love it!

SMG4: (grabs the Meme Battle Cannon) How does this work? (shoots it and a meme comes out) Holy shit! Spicy memes at my advantage. It's so good!

Mario: (grabs the Golden Thunderstrike Gloves) I wonder how big a punch this can get.

Bob: (walks by) LoOk At AlL tHe MoNeY i HaVe, YoU sOnS oF bItChEs.

Mario: (takes out the Bronze Butterfly Cutlass and gives it to Bob) Here's your gift. Now get your ugly ass out of here. (punches Bob with the gloves, launching him far away)

Bob: Ow, My OvArIeS.

Mario: They do work!

(Everyone else grabbed their gifts, including Luigi's Golden Vacuum Cleaner, Bowser's Golden Flamethrower, Toad's Golden Candy Machine, and Fishy's Golden Waifu Pillow, as there was only one gift left. It was Diamond's Annihilation. A diamond-filled sword that had a tag saying "To the creator")

Meggy: That's weird. It doesn't have my name on it.

Mario: I know what they mean by "the creator". (grabs the sword, spins it around, and throws it up at the sky) The true creator of the universe should enjoy this.

(The sword was flying fast throughout the universe, until it left the universe and went to me as I grabbed it)

Me: Oh cool. A sword with diamonds on it. Thank you, whoever gave this to me.

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