Question 177

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(door knocks)

Meggy: (opens the door) Looks like Meicoomon is here. (brings the box inside and opens the box as Meicoomon comes out) Oh, you're so cute! (cuddles Meicoomon)

Mario: Looks like we got another pet. Now get along, everyone.

(Thor, Keara, the two Pikachus, and Violent Ruler introduce themselves and befriend Meicoomon)

Meggy: Nice that you all get along with Meicoomon. (gets shot by Desti from outside) Ow.

Meicoomon: (gets very angry)

Mario: What's wrong?

Meggy: (gets up) Meicoomon gets angry whenever I get hurt. (walks up to the angry Meicoomon) Don't get mad. I'm okay. I'm not dead.

Meicoomon: (calms down and jumps into Meggy's arms)

Meggy: I think he likes me.

Mario: He's just like me, not wanting his very close friend to get hurt.

Meggy: (laughs)

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