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"Get out of my room," Taehyung grumbled when the door opened and his future husband walked in.

"Okay, imma just eat the chocolates myself then," Jungkook said and turned around with a box of chocolates in his hand, one that Taehyung hadn't acknowledged before.

"Okay fine you can stay," Taehyung said as he really wanted some chocolate at the moment. Jungkook grinned and quickly threw himself on Taehyungs bed besides the aforementioned.

"I know you're not just here to give me chocolate, so what do you want?" Taehyung asked and then took a piece of chocolate in his mouth, tasting the sugar sweet milk chocolate in his mouth.

"I'm going to be transferring to your school."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"You'll have to show me around and keep me company in the lunch breaks." Jungkook smiled mischievously at Taehyung.

"No way!" Taehyung yelled, almost choking on chocolate in the process. Jungkook noticed the oldest struggle and rubbed his back soothingly.

Taehyung slabbed Jungkooks hand away from his back when he was okay again. "There are only like 2 weeks to graduation, is it even possible to transfer school that late?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Apparently."

"Why are you always everywhere?" Taehyung hissed frustrated.

"Our parents want us to become close before we get married so we will stick together."

"That's bullshit, why did we even agree to this." Taehyung sighed sadly, on the verge of tears.

Jungkook, of course, noticed this and scooted closer to Taehyung to comfort him. "Look I know that you think I'm only doing this because I have to and because I think you're hot and of course you're hot, but that's not the only reason."

Taehyung just scooted away from Jungkook who were trying to embrace him and hold him. "Don't lie."

"I'm not lying," Jungkook said and scooted closer to Taehyung again and Taehyung just scooted further away.

"Yes you are, you would much rather go out with Jimin or some nasty ass hoe or something," Taehyung said as he knew Jungkook had a thing for Jimin a couple of years back and tried scooting even further away as a small tear escaped Taehyung's left eye.

Taehyung was about to fall down the bed, but Jungkook quickly pulled him closer and away from the edge of the bed.

"Stop it Taehyung!" Jungkook raised his voice slightly, taking the older by a surprise.

Jungkook had pulled Taehyung to sit in between his legs and taken his arms around him to prevent him from scooting away again.

"Damn it Taehyung." Jungkook cursed and put his head on Taehyungs shoulder, the older already giving up and letting the younger do whatever he wanted.

"You just don't understand, do you?" Jungkook lifted his head from Taehyungs shoulder and looked into his eyes, both of their eyes holding hurt.

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "My parents gave me a whole stack of people I could marry, both boys and girls, but your parents came to me, not my parents, but for me. They asked me, practically begged me if I could marry their son, they had heard rumors about me being bisexual. They hoped that I would accept them and you. At first, I declined but then I saw their struggle and decided to maybe get to see, we were friends after all. You're beautiful, breathtaking even. I chose you for a reason Taehyung and it might be the dumbest and most unbelievable reason ever but it was love at first sight, Taehyung."

"Why are you telling me this?" Taehyung huffed but his voice only above a whisper and his eyes red from the small tears that had been flowing down his cheeks as Jungkook was talking, Jungkook occasionally removing them.

"Because I don't want you to think that it's just because I think you're hot, look I know I have a horrible past with relationships, but please I want this to work out."

Taehyung sighed softly and did something that felt right at the moment, he swiftly pecked Jungkooks right cheek and laid his head on Jungkooks shoulder. "Let's try to work this out."

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