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"Who are you?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm Lisa, I'm looking for Jeon Jungkook, I went to his house but they said he was here."

Taehyung tilted his head. "Who are you again?"

"I'm Lalisa Manoban, I'm Jungkooks e-"

"She's my ex we dated a few years back, for like a couple of months." Jungkook comes up besides Taehyung and explained, wrapping a reassuring hand around Taehyung's waist.

"Oh yeah I remember you dated this girl for a very short amount of time." Taehyung recalled and nodded understandingly.

Some people might've been jealous in a situation like this but Taehyung wasn't, he trusted his fiancé and it was after all almost four years since she and Jungkook dated.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked confused, Lisa didn't respond at first because she was too busy studying the way Taehyung and Jungkook were nearly bullied together.

Lisa seemed to realize the question. "I actually came to congratulate the two of you, it might seem weird and stuff but I regret the way we ended our relationship, not that we ended it, just the way we did."

Jungkook nodded and Taehyung looked to Jungkook. "What happened?" Taehyung whispered confused. "I'll explain later, "Jungkook replied.

"The gift is in here, I don't know if you two will like it but at least keep it." She handed them a paper bag and bowed.

"I hope you two have a great life together, you two look very nice together." They both thanked her and bid goodbye.

Taehyung rushed to the living room with the paper bag as Jungkook closed the front door.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung looked into the bag.

Taehyung giggled as he pulled them out of the bag. "I love them!" He exclaimed as he looked to Jungkook who smiled fondly at him.

"They are pretty nice

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"They are pretty nice." Jungkook nodded approvingly.

"Now, Jeon Jungkook," Taehyung said firmly as he made Jungkook sit down on the couch besides him.

"Yes, Jeon Taehyung?" Taehyung smacked Jungkook's arm. "You're going to take my name!" Jungkook sighed and shook his head.

"Anyways, explain what happened between you and Lisa."

Jungkook sighed heavily and took one of Taehyung's hands in his. "Don't hate me after I tell you."

Taehyung frowned and leaned into peck Jungkooks lips. "I could never hate you, you're also despite everything, my soon to be husband." Jungkook chuckled and heaved a sight.

"Here goes nothing," Jungkook said as he looked deeply into Taehyungs eyes.

"I and Lisa had a one night stand, we were both pretty drunk and to be honest I've regretted it ever since, to make everything worse it was my first time." Jungkook paused when Taehyung removed a strand of hair from Jungkook's eyes.

"She apparently had been in love with me before we uhm did the deed, so pretty soon after she asked me out and." Jungkook paused again and pulled Taehyung closer, Taehyung sitting in between Jungkook's legs in a crisscross and Jungkook resting his forehead against Taehyung's shoulder as Taehyung ran his hands through Jungkook's hair.

"I couldn't say no, she looks so vulnerable but I soon realized that I should've just rejected her from the start, it was meant to fail. I mean, she was so deeply and madly in love with me and she told me that often but I didn't feel a thing for her." Jungkook lifted his head from Taehyung's shoulder.

"I've never been in love with anyone before you." Jungkook took Taehyung's hand in his and kissed his palm softly, Taehyung sending him a fond smile.

"We were together for almost two months and it didn't work out at all, I started avoiding her but it wasn't really a good solution." Jungkook sighed. "We never did anything, I didn't even kiss her, not even once."

"Wait." Taehyung stopped in shock. "Does that mean I was your first kiss?" Jungkook shyly nodded and Taehyung giggled. "You were mine too." Jungkook smiled happily and they hugged for a moment.

"I chose to break up with her, I couldn't lie to her anymore, I tried to not lie to her, I never told you I love you and I actually think she could tell I wasn't in love like she was, I liked her as a friend. She didn't take the breakup very well, I hurt her so much without really having a choice though I should've done it earlier and not let her hopes up."

Taehyung could tell that Jungkook was guilty of hurting her, so he pulled him closer and pecked his cheek. "I can tell you don't want to talk about this and I understand, I don't need to know, just know that I'm right here."

Jungkook smiled happily. "Thank you, baby, I just don't like to talk about how much I hurt such a nice person, she really didn't deserve it."

"Has she moved on?" Taehyung questioned with a frown as he caressed Jungkooks cheek.

"She did," Jungkook said with a small smile. "She's been dating this guy, I don't remember his name but I think they've been together for almost 2 years."

"That's great!" Taehyung exclaimed happily and wrapped his arms around Jungkooks neck, rubbing their noses together.

"I'm just happy that she has moved on from me, she didn't deserve it," Jungkook said and fiddled with his hands.

Taehyung removed his hands from Jungkooks neck and too Jungkooks hands in his. "Don't think too much about it, you two didn't belong together and now the both of you are happy with someone else."

"I'm more than happy," Jungkook said and connected their lips.

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