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"Are you comfortable?" Jungkook asked as he tugged Taehyung into bed.

They had just gotten home and Jungkook laid Taehyung in bed after having a very short conversation with Taehyungs mother where she asked what happened to him, luckily Jungkook explained and she let them go, of course after saying. "Jungkook, stay with him, he's your fiancé and he clearly needs you to take care of him." Taehyung would've said something back but his head hurt too much.

"I'm okay," Taehyung said lowly and turned a little to see Jungkook better.

"Don't lie, you're not okay, you're sick."Jungkook reaches out to caress Taehyungs cheek but he stopped him.

Jungkook frowned at Taehyungs action and stood up properly.

"I'll be going, do you need anything before I go?" He asked and took a step away from Taehyung and his bed, expecting him to say no.

Taehyung knew Jungkook had fallen in love with him, he said it himself and were trying to prove it to him. even though Taehyung was already his, unwillingly though.

"Actually, there is something," Taehyung said, a small and tired smile formed on my lips.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked and turned towards him and his bed again.

"Come closer," Taehyung ordered.

He did as told and stood besides the bed, looking down at Taehyung.

Taehyung did a quick motion with his hand, grabbing Jungkooks wrist and pulling him down as harsh and quick as he could.

The quick motion took Jungkook by surprise and he fell onto the bed, on top of him.

Jungkooks face showed pure surprise, his eyes getting slightly bigger and his mouth hanging agape cutely.

"I'm cold," Taehyung said and shuddered at the coldness, he wasn't lying he was in fact cold, a lot.

"You want me to warm you up?" Jungkook asked a small smile at the edge of his lips as he made sure to lay besides Taehyung and not on top of him.

"Yeah." Taehyung breathed out.

Jungkook quickly pulled Taehyung closer and Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkooks waist, pulling him even closer.

"You're warm." Taehyung sighed in content a small smile creeping up on his lips.

"You smell even better this close," Jungkook said, his voice vibrating all the way through Taehyung as he placed his chin on Jungkooks shoulder. Jungkook placed his head on Taehyungs as he was laying lower down than him.

"My legs are freezing," Taehyung said slightly embarrassed.

Taehyung felt Jungkooks hand on his thigh as Jungkook pulled one of his legs to be on his and the other one in between his legs.

"Better?" Jungkook asked softly.

"Much better." Taehyung smiled happily, not even caring if he saw it or not, Taehyung was sick and playing hard to get weren't something he would clutch onto when he needed him the most.

"Now you better rest," Jungkook said and caressed Taehyungs cheek, the other hand resting on Taehyungs hip, drawing soothing circles that helped him fall asleep a lot easier.

Taehyung smiled in his sleep when he finally fell asleep, but right before sleep infilled him. he could feel Jungkooks soft and warm hands tracing his features and mumbling sweet nothings, he thought Taehyung was sleeping. That's when Taehyung knew he was content, he wasn't doing this because he had to.

The first time Taehyung met like this Jungkook, he thought he was a player, doing this because he had to, Taehyung was wrong. So so so so so wrong. The boy actually fell for him.

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